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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ya actually my buddy from my saturday game got one last week. I asked him how he got it -- there not out yet-- he said he doesent know it was a gift from his girlfriend, but he told me he would ask her.


P.S - Felt exactly the same as last years synergy for me

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dead on, now tell me the lotto tickets for next week

twiztidwrista10 - do you play AAA under 16? I didn't know the knights had aaa u16 or is that the energy? I know energy is aaa. Just curious cause I play in Omaha a couple of times a week.

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i know how that guy got it...


look in the picture straight down the shaft.. the performance and ware rating are at the top on a sticker.. this is what easton do for the replacment twigs.

the person must have had a previous ST that broke and they just sent them that one...

wrong! if you look at any new stick from easton there is a sticker on every BRAND NEW retail stick. they come with warranty replacements as well as on the new retail sticks...if you need a picture to prove it to you, i will take one today at work!

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hi how thehell has this guy gt this stick is abit of a shame it only ships to the US

http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-06-Easton-ST-Syner...1QQcmdZViewItem :o

actually ships worldwide

Winner adds $20 for shipping in the US, $30 for Woldwide

only $30 to ship Worldwide? I've had 4 sticks shipped to me by a fellow MSHer for $12 via USPS to Canada...glad to see they aren't trying to make any $$$ off shiping, maybe it is overnight express :blink:

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