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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mike Modano's stick at olympics

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here are some pictures

i second his opinion that it is his warrior stick - it is already a mostly black stick to start out with so it wouldn't take much to blacken the rest of it out



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add draper, symth and holmstrom to the list of warrior users in the "nike winter games" whos sticks are all black.

this question is for jason from salming is samuelson's stick blacked out also?

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yeah warrior didnt pay the fee even though from the warrior pro rep or one of them warrior even offered to pay for the past four years but they still refused

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this question is for jason from salming is samuelson's stick blacked out also?

The requirements from the Olympics are interesting.

You might have read on MSH before that the NHL charges $25K annually to certifty a manufacturer's sticks (and $25K for gloves, $25K for skates, and possibly other product categories.) The fee for the Olympics is nowhere near that total. HOWEVER, there is a very small window to apply for certification. (Sweden told me it was something like the first six months after the previous Games. :o )

Obviously, we missed that boat, but I'm encouraged that Sammy likes the sticks so much that he'd rather put the shoe polish (or Sharpie, or whatever it is) on them, rather than switch.

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Yes it is Modano's Dolomite, and it's not entirely blacked out.

At the handle, just under his buttend/tape you can just see some of the green gfx.

(saw it clearly several times in the USA-Sweden game)

Btw I love to black out sticks, so to me this is heaven :D

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The requirements from the Olympics are interesting.

You might have read on MSH before that the NHL charges $25K annually to certifty a manufacturer's sticks (and $25K for gloves, $25K for skates, and possibly other product categories.) The fee for the Olympics is nowhere near that total. HOWEVER, there is a very small window to apply for certification. (Sweden told me it was something like the first six months after the previous Games. :o )

Obviously, we missed that boat, but I'm encouraged that Sammy likes the sticks so much that he'd rather put the shoe polish (or Sharpie, or whatever it is) on them, rather than switch.

I swear I remember seeing someone on team Finland who was using a Green Salming - I remember reading the name on the stick... (someone with the last name ending in 'nen' if that narrows it down ;), like Kapanen, Numminen, Lehtinen).

Strange to why it wasn't blacked-out...

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It is a Warrior. Warrior didn't pay for the right to have their logo in the Olympics, so the stick is blacked out.

Thats a joke..All about money. Its not about olympic dreams...Its about olympic money. SICK>

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alright i found all 3 of them and i'm guessing the person you are thinking of is probably numminen - except that it is a montreal stick and he is a partial owner of montreal hockey

im assuming that they must've paid the advertising fee $$$




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It is a Warrior. Warrior didn't pay for the right to have their logo in the Olympics, so the stick is blacked out.

Thats a joke..All about money. Its not about olympic dreams...Its about olympic money. SICK>

What the hell does a logo, used for marketing by the way, have to do with Olympic dreams?

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It is a Warrior. Warrior didn't pay for the right to have their logo in the Olympics, so the stick is blacked out.

Thats a joke..All about money. Its not about olympic dreams...Its about olympic money. SICK>

What the hell does a logo, used for marketing by the way, have to do with Olympic dreams?

Since I was a young boy, I've dreamt of my Warrior Dolomite scoring the gold medal-clinching goal while I am holding it in my hands. It is beautiful on the medal podium with the gold medal draped around its shaft and the Warrior anthem being played by the P-Funk All Stars. The plaza is filled with pimps, and I'm screaming at all of them "THAT'S MY STICK!!! I WAS HOLDING IT FOR THE GOAL THAT WON THE OLYMPIC GOLD!!!!!"

God I'm bored.

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Since I was a young boy, I've dreamt of my Warrior Dolomite scoring the gold medal-clinching goal while I am holding it in my hands. It is beautiful on the medal podium with the gold medal draped around its shaft and the Warrior anthem being played by the P-Funk All Stars. The plaza is filled with pimps, and I'm screaming at all of them "THAT'S MY STICK!!! I WAS HOLDING IT FOR THE GOAL THAT WON THE OLYMPIC GOLD!!!!!"

God I'm bored.

I too have that dream


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It is a Warrior. Warrior didn't pay for the right to have their logo in the Olympics, so the stick is blacked out.

Thats a joke..All about money. Its not about olympic dreams...Its about olympic money. SICK>

What the hell does a logo, used for marketing by the way, have to do with Olympic dreams?

Why does it have to be covered.... then who the fuc@ cares! Its about the athelites not his products ...don't mis read what I print I am, alot smarter than you think!

Your right...fully read then re-ply.

Oh and I forgot Its not about american dreams when it comes to olympic mens hockey because the pros should'nt be in it. All the young hockey players that could be in the olympics????

Thats my 2 cents.

I fail to see the logic behind whatever point you are trying to make.

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You're way off base here. Why should the IOC allow companies to freely promote their product while the whole world is watching and not get compensation? Seriously.

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Thats very Sad! and inforces alot of my points on this sight.

"What ain't no country I ever heard of! They speak English in What?"

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