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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Funny sale today

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I've been lucky on my end, the (seasoned/retired) pros i've delt with with along with other personalities have been really pleasant, nice, humble, low-key...its when you get the younger one's, who think they are the next big thing playing in the AHL, that think they are above everyone else that want the free stuff, and think they should get it.

I had the same problems back home. I worked in a bar in a nightclub in Letterkenny. Shay Given (currently the Irish Goalie, and one of the top goalies in the English Premier League, in soccer) was in the bar. At that stage he had signed with Glasgow Celtic, but wasn't on the top team yet, still playing with the reserves.

He acted like a real A-hole, and pulled the "do you know who I am" crap too.

Its funny though. I have met him several times since that, where he has become very famous, and he has been really nice and friendly. But before he was anyone, he thought he was

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Apparently Lidstrom hangs out in the store all the time.

His son plays for Novi. Squirt AA this fall. He is just a nice as Babcock. Will sign anything you want and take picts too.

So I hear. Kristin looooooooves him - I got her a pro Lidstrom jersey a couple of years back and am goign to try to get it signed for her.

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I step in and tell him it's against store policy.  He looks at my nametag and he starts to go "Well, I know a lot about skates and the cut of his Missions is making him lean back."  I look at him and tell him, "I'm sure you do, but I can assure you I will fit him properly and get him squared away.  Bring your son in." 

Cool Story...but I have a question...

Did you realize it was Babcock right away? or did it take a second. If you didn't know it was him, I understand the "...against policy". But, if you knew if was Mike....????

Maybe I'm just mis-reading it and look like a tool now!

btw...when you said he looked at your nametag...I thought you were going to say he recognized it from the site...THAT would have been trippy.

Almost every pro player or coach I've ever met has always expected special treatment of some kind. Either major price breaks, free stuff or ass kissing.

I was over at the Toyota Training Center (LA Kings practice facility) a few months ago and was talking to one of the guys in the pro shop while I was checking sticks out. He told me that a few days earlier, Chris Chelios went in there, looked around for a bit and walked out with a handful of different Easton sticks and a couple pairs of gloves. As he was walking out, he said "Call Easton and tell them I was in here grabbing some new gear - they'll reimburse you" and walked out.

The employees were just kinda standing there and didn't really know what to do, but since it was Chelios and he's there all the time anyway during the summers they let him get away with it.

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My first thought in my mind was "EMILLIO!" He then proceed to give me a nasty look ... end of story :)

....and he turned and tipped his hat like this <hat tip motion>"

"and who do you think that man was?"

"Emillio Esteves, THE MIGHTY DUCK MAN"

"and I was all Like EMILLIO"

- I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

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Almost every pro player or coach I've ever met has always expected special treatment of some kind. Either major price breaks, free stuff or ass kissing.

really?? I've had the exact opposite experience with them, a couple LA/ANA guys would come and get their kids fitted and never say a word about being in the show..and when the NYR guys would come into Chelsea..they were as laid back as can be..

I can definitely see that happening though, having had Pele' try to shake me down for a deal on a bunch of aggro skates..

My experience are like this:

I've been lucky on my end, the (seasoned/retired) pros i've delt with with along with other personalities have been really pleasant, nice, humble, low-key...its when you get the younger one's, who think they are the next big thing playing in the AHL, that think they are above everyone else that want the free stuff, and think they should get it.

The older guys who actually made the show and retired are a lot easier to deal with than the younger guys who honestly believe they are gold's gift to the world.

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My first thought in my mind was "EMILLIO!"  He then proceed to give me a nasty look ... end of story :)

....and he turned and tipped his hat like this <hat tip motion>"

"and who do you think that man was?"

"Emillio Esteves, THE MIGHTY DUCK MAN"

"and I was all Like EMILLIO"

- I'm sorry, I couldn't resist.

Glad someone got the quote from the movie

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These stories are funny...reminds me of when I used to work in a shop. A lot of Blues alumni hung around there, & one time I was sharpening Kelly Chase's skates before a practice with his son or something (it was his & his son's skates)...and when he came back in I said "here you go, 10 bucks please"...he just had this puzzled look for a second...and then started fumbling around for his wallet...

There were some other people in there & after he walked out they were like "you charge him?"...dude...it's Kelly Chase, not Gretzky...

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JR, what days do you work? I live a mile away from there, and play there on Monday nights. I'll start bringing my skates to you for sharpening from now on.

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That really boggles my mind how these guys that make a minimum of $400 000 a year expect free stuff. Like they really need the discount

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JR, what days do you work? I live a mile away from there, and play there on Monday nights. I'll start bringing my skates to you for sharpening from now on.

All the time. Looking like I'll be having Monday and Tuesdays off for now.

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