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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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rebelion hockey

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i have only tried their new line of gloves, attitude 97 and 7520.. Both are really nice gloves with a somewhat loose fit. Seems to have plastic reinforcements all over the backhand. I haven't used them in any game or practice so i can't say anything about the durability of the palm etc.

I would have bought the attitude 97's but i liked the shorter cuff of the stealth line gloves better.

Per Ledin of Colorado avalanche/Lake erie monsters uses the attitude gloves along with the superb 7520 stick

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i have only tried their new line of gloves, attitude 97 and 7520.. Both are really nice gloves with a somewhat loose fit. Seems to have plastic reinforcements all over the backhand. I haven't used them in any game or practice so i can't say anything about the durability of the palm etc.

I would have bought the attitude 97's but i liked the shorter cuff of the stealth line gloves better.

Per Ledin of Colorado avalanche/Lake erie monsters uses the attitude gloves along with the superb 7520 stick

Thanks for the information! I like the looser fit...good excuse for another pair of gloves.

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A few of the guys here were using them Eagles, CCM Pros and TPS before that. All noted that their Rebellions didn't last as long as the previous brands and only the chap with the former TPS gloves was going to buy Rebellion again.

Note: All these guys bought Rebellion as they are poor students who needed new gloves ASAP on the cheap.

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..went to the LHS today and they had a few ops comin in ...one in a 75 flex , which I'd like to try ...but they didn't know anything about available patterns or performance ....has anybody tried the sticks yet ???

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I have a death or glory. It seems alright. It has pretty round edges compared to other sticks. It is pretty light,maybe a little heavier than my dolomite. It shoots preety good.

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I have a Orange gunner Rebellion stick(70%carbon, 30%fiberglass). I've been using it for 6 six months and besides the painting chips at the fuse point, it's holding up really well (better than my former ops, Sherwood txd model). The shaft has a rounded shape and sprayed grip. This sticks are longer than the average sticks.

I also own a Rebellion hockey bag, and I can say it's better than a lot of ccm, reebok, and easton bags i've seen around here for the same price ( around $55).


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I just talked to the rep a little while ago and evidently Ko Sports (Pittsburgh area) ordered a bunch of the stuff. I really liked their gloves when I tried them on, pretty good bang for the buck.

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