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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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euro pics

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hey yall, just wondering if anyone has any euro hockey league pics. i saw the thread with heatley's green blades and wanted more crazy sponsorship pics etc. ones of nhlers during last season on their various euro teams would be wikid

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Search for SC Bern and HC Davos on Google.

Briere + Heatley (for a while) played for Bern and Thornton & Nash played for Davos in the Swiss League.

And nobody has more commercials or crazyier suits than the Swiss :lol:

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Maybe the NHL should adopt some jersey/equipment advertising, maybe they wouldn't have gone under.

On the upside, that high scorer thing is effing amazing.

Also, look at the ref's jersey's.

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My 1st thought about the Ref's jerseys was "WTF?" Seriously crazy stuff with the stars and then the inversion of the colours via a V shape. Just plain weird!

PS: Is that an Italian Pro game is it? Or an Italian site?

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dont they give the highest scorer the yellow helmet and yellow jersey thats like putting a price on his head

In SM Liiga, they give the highest scorer in the team a golden helmet.

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