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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Custom Pant Shell Companies

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I'm looking to buy custom shells for my team. I know Philly Express does custom shells. We have these for our lower team but there has been some color bleeding. Any other companies do custom shells? Thanks.

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about how much for a custom shell from any company?

Most won't just do one shell. It isn't worth their time to do singles if they have a decent sales level.

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The shell with out shipping would be $49.95 for one shell.  The more you buy the better price you can get.  As far as shipping to Germany this would add an additional $30 to $50.  If you are interested or have any other questions please email me.

Thank you,


Hockey Services

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soo.. no one of these companys would just do ONE for ONE person?! O.o

MIA will do it.

:) :) how much would I pay?

Its depends!

How much do you expect to order? Do you want a 3 colors design or only one color? What type of belt do you want?

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I want an ALL-WHITE one (one color) :)

I think max. order would be 5 ...

realistic would be 3....

belt...would depend on the additional price...

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I'm still using shells from Kisapuku (Finland) and Tibås (Sweden) which I've loved because they were built from heavy weight, with zippers in the front and metal belt buckles (even the advertising paint is still solid on most of them). Past few years I've been playing non-contact and put on weight so I've just been using the bottom half of 2-piece Tackla or Nike pro returns. I'd been lucky to find ones that are +2 inches in length to protect to my knees and I leave the lower leg zippers open to not restrict mobility.

So if my ideal size is Medium-Tall, do any companies readily make pull-over shells in such longer, narrower versions, and/or with zippers in the lower legs?

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