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Easton Synergy SL broke two in a week!

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I was wondering if I could get some feedback with regards to the overall durability of the Synergy SL OPS.

I purchased a couple ( Forsberg Pattern ) just two weeks ago. I loved the weight and feel. Last Tuesday while playing in my beer league a took a slapper from the point and broke the blade horizontally an inch from the heel. To this day it's the first brake of this kind I have ever seen. Thought nothing of it, went back to my LHS and was immediately given a warranty replacement.

So I taped up my other SL and started to using it as my go to stick. Playing this past Sunday in my other league take a another slapper from the point and the damn stick blows up half way up the shaft. I'm losing it at this point, in total shock that both my brand spanking new SL's did not even survive a week!!!. :(

Playing D, I'm starting to think that the SL does not stand up to the game by game grind of playing the position and I would be better off switching to the ST. At this point I have zero confidence in the Synergy SL I've been extremely disapointed in the quality of the manufacturing and have no desire to use it again. :wacko:

Please let me know if you thnk this is an isolated incident or if the MSHer's out there have had the same experience.


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Thanks Chadd, I'm still very surprised that two sticks could break in a week. My slapper is not very fast or hard at at all :P. I'm leaning twoards the ST as my second replacement. Hopefully it will live up to it's name.

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are we talking about the 06' model SL here, beacuse we all know how bad the 05' model was and im not suprised if they are the ones you have been using - by the looks of things they have strengthend the 06 model?

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I called Easton for a fill-in order last Thursday. Easton is currently out of stock on 06 SL and SL Grip in Sr. I don't think too many 06 SRs made it to the marketplace yet. Next delivery not until May 1.

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Playing D, I'm starting to think that the SL does not stand up to the game by game grind of playing the position and I would be better off switching to the ST.

Game by game grind? That stick sounds like its lifespan should be counted by minutes or periods!

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they haven't fixed this years either, I have one and it's already chipping in that location

Lets just face the facts, Easton is never going to fix thier sticks.

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All easton shaft lasted me about 1 years beside my SL who died on the 4th month but a guy sit on my shaft so it not a structural problem here...

Too bad after looving to death my combo SL grip -Zcarbon i think about buying a SL ops, but the blade durability seem just too weak.

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Easton should of never changed their 02 Models.The Original Gold Synergy Grip was the best stick I have ever used.Right now I have an 01-02 Hal Gill Synergy and I love it,The feel is amazing but,the curve is to small for my liking(KariyaPro)

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one kid on my team has gone through about 15 sl's this year and my team as a whole about 30

why in the hell would someone continue to use the stick after breaking anywhere close to that many, do some of you guys get your sticks for free or what?

Why would Easton bother changing, people bust the stick and keep buying them anyway

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5 players on my team have them, all 5 are on the warranty replacment. i would never buy one because of all the bad luck people have had with these. how many warranty replacements can you get in the 30 day period. just one?

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i broke 2 SL's in the past year. They seemed to be $150 peices of crap. I switched to the ST and broke one, but the seccond has lasted. My mission L2 seems to be a monster, although i broke a couple blades right where they meet the stick.

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Staal was using one tonight. something new since the Olympics. I dunno why the hell you'd want to use one considering prostocks tend to be even more brittle.

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Staal was using one tonight. something new since the Olympics. I dunno why the hell you'd want to use one considering prostocks tend to be even more brittle.

He'll use it because he doesn't have to pay for it. ;)

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yeah but you dont want your stick to break on a faceoff or break in the middle of play :P

Yea didn't Finland lose the gold because of a broken stick on opening face-off.

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Interesting comments in The Hockey News from Paul Boyer, Detroit Red Wings equipment manager. All the Wings use OPS. He said today's NHLer is so strong and puts so much pressure and torque on the stick, that a wood stick would get very heavy in order to provide enough strength and stiffness for an NHLer. I know a few guys are still using woodies in the NHL but it must be less than 5%.

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Interesting comments in The Hockey News from Paul Boyer, Detroit Red Wings equipment manager. All the Wings use OPS. He said today's NHLer is so strong and puts so much pressure and torque on the stick, that a wood stick would get very heavy in order to provide enough strength and stiffness for an NHLer. I know a few guys are still using woodies in the NHL but it must be less than 5%.

I was reading that too.....very good info there

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