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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightest Shaft

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  shute said:
go with the XN10 if i were you. i have the redlite XN10 and it's the best shaft i've used.. light as hell, built like a tank and man what a shot. you just have to play around which blade combo you want to use with it
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IS it really built like a tank? If so, man it sounds like the prefect combination of everything.

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yes but it has rounded edges and not fully fitting in a big handed person. It also sheds paint like no other shaft I have ever had.

Tapered vs standard. I like Chadd will never switch back. Yes mechanics are important but I do get a real extra kick with the tapered

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  Chadd said:
  thejackal said:
I think it's a bit overrated.  I would go for a standard shaft for the better blade selection.
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If you can't find a tapered blade that you like, either you have a very strange curve preference or you're stuck on using a particular brand.

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Out of curiousity and completely no experience with tapered shafts and blades, would I be able to find a tapered Kovalchuk pattern? Or a Lindros or Recchi?

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  Roach said:
  Chadd said:
  thejackal said:
I think it's a bit overrated.  I would go for a standard shaft for the better blade selection.
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If you can't find a tapered blade that you like, either you have a very strange curve preference or you're stuck on using a particular brand.

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Out of curiousity and completely no experience with tapered shafts and blades, would I be able to find a tapered Kovalchuk pattern? Or a Lindros or Recchi?

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Kovalchuck as in P91 or pro?

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  thejackal said:
To settle the debate I'm gonna have to compare a inno 1100 side by side with my xn10 shaft, which will not be happening.
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I already have, and it came down to more of the blade than the shaft. The inno loaded better in my feel, but the TPS XN10 blade shot harder. The feel for the inno blades are amazing, so I'd give up the tiny difference in the blades to get the better feel. Another kid on my team stickhandled with it and asked me how I got such a light wood stick.

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  hockechamp14 said:
  thejackal said:
To settle the debate I'm gonna have to compare a inno 1100 side by side with my xn10 shaft, which will not be happening.
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I already have, and it came down to more of the blade than the shaft. The inno loaded better in my feel, but the TPS XN10 blade shot harder. The feel for the inno blades are amazing, so I'd give up the tiny difference in the blades to get the better feel. Another kid on my team stickhandled with it and asked me how I got such a light wood stick.

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hockeychamp, please tell me youve been drinking tonight or its just my vicodin, because i didnt understand your post

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  Chadd said:
  Roach said:
  Chadd said:
  thejackal said:
I think it's a bit overrated.  I would go for a standard shaft for the better blade selection.
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If you can't find a tapered blade that you like, either you have a very strange curve preference or you're stuck on using a particular brand.

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Out of curiousity and completely no experience with tapered shafts and blades, would I be able to find a tapered Kovalchuk pattern? Or a Lindros or Recchi?

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Kovalchuck as in P91 or pro?

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Sorry, Chadd. I have no idea what the difference between the P91 or the Pro. I am looking for a nice toe curve. I remember in another topic you mentioned a Christian #4 blade had a nice toe on it. I'm currently on a Lindros, Recchi, and a Jagr (straight blade til the middle then a curve from mid to toe) set-up - one on each stick - and would like to transition to a toe curve similar to the Jagr I'm on but closed or neutral faced.

Thanks in advance!

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Patrick67, much as I would like to post a pic of my Jagr, I don't have a clue as to how to. Can you hit me with a PM? I can e-mail it to you. I just need your addy.

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  warrior37 said:
  hockechamp14 said:
  thejackal said:
To settle the debate I'm gonna have to compare a inno 1100 side by side with my xn10 shaft, which will not be happening.
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I already have, and it came down to more of the blade than the shaft. The inno loaded better in my feel, but the TPS XN10 blade shot harder. The feel for the inno blades are amazing, so I'd give up the tiny difference in the blades to get the better feel. Another kid on my team stickhandled with it and asked me how I got such a light wood stick.

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hockeychamp, please tell me youve been drinking tonight or its just my vicodin, because i didnt understand your post

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It made sense to me, but what I'm trying to say is that the Inno shaft is better.

So basically, the inno felt better when I shot and my weight was loaded onto it, it seemed like I got better energy transfer than the XN10. The XN10 however, has a little more pop in the blade if you want to compare the one pieces. The feel in the inno blades in my opinion makes up any shooting difference there is though.

The feel of the inno's is so good a kid on my team stickhandled with it for a few seconds and asked me if it waas wood.

Hopefully that makes sense. It was a little late last night when I posted...

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