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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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intermediate flexes

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i dont really see much info of int. flexes. since im looking to get a tapered shaft/blade combo or an OPS for my b'day, i think itd be helpful if i could compare some flexes. i dont think my LHS has all the sticks im looking at too. right now, im looking at ccm, reebok/RBK, tps, and bauer for an OPS or tapered shaft and blade this spring. any input would be cool

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i dont really see much info of int. flexes. since im looking to get a tapered shaft/blade combo or an OPS for my b'day, i think itd be helpful if i could compare some flexes. i dont think my LHS has all the sticks im looking at too. right now, im looking at ccm, reebok/RBK, tps, and bauer for an OPS or tapered shaft and blade this spring. any input would be cool

It sounds like you are confused about how stick flex ratings work..

The flex rating is how many lbs of force you need to "flex" or bend the stick. A sherwood 75 flex takes 75 lbs of down force to flex it.

The only difference between intermediate, junior and senior sticks are the circumfrence and length of the stick.. there is no difference between the flex ratings on a intermediate and senior stick.

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lol sorry for misunderstanding. im asking for some comparisons. like is there a brand with whippiest intermediate sticks? or what are some things like rbk/ccm in easton flex terms?

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I think TPS is pretty whippy. I never actually owned an int. TPS, but from what I've heard they are whippy. Eastons are a little stiffer than 65, but the Stealth is an exception.

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I think TPS is pretty whippy. I never actually owned an int. TPS, but from what I've heard they are whippy. Eastons are a little stiffer than 65, but the Stealth is an exception.

I'll agree. TPS is pretty whippy, my friend had one, and it definitely was whippy. Easton's 65 flex is definitely really whippy, but Mission's 75 flex is perfect for me. Feels around a 70 Easton.

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if i were to go with the synergy II, would i be stuck with an easton blade? also, will/did the synergy II change anything from the synthesis? if so, is it just CNT?

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Height wise you seem like you could use an intermediate. Weight wise, it seems you'd need a junior. I don't know now, I'm stuck :o

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yea lol its very confusing.

just looked at my current stick (ccm v110 ops original) seems it says "junior flex" but it seems to be 57" or so.

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TPS is the whippiest flex ive ever used. I use it and in 5'7 145lbs. I only use that flex because my sticks come to my shoulder height on skates and I want to keep some flex instead of losing it all by cutting a longer stick. Also, I have smaller hands and the shaft shape is nice

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it seems fine, it seems to be 57" too, but its junior flex. im guessing i should go to LHS and get a feel to see what all brands intermediate flexes are like.

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just checked the TPS int flex on a response at LHS. feels good in terms of flex. most likely will wait till 2006 offerings come out and pick one shaft/blade combo up for b'day. tkachuk is my best bet in terms of curve.

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