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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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does anyone have a link to the wonderlick test that the nfl uses for draft picks. i'd like to see how some players did, or even take it myself

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That test Vince Young got 6/50 on? I have seen some sample questions and such just to prove how easy it is but not the whole thing, Ohio State site I believe had like 10 or so questions with answers.

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That test Vince Young got 6/50 on? I have seen some sample questions and such just to prove how easy it is but not the whole thing, Ohio State site I believe had like 10 or so questions with answers.

didnt he take a retast too and gte like 16/50? LOL

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They showed some of the questions on sportsnet. One of them was asking what is the 9th month of the year.

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I had to take a test with the exact same concept upon entering college...kinda lame. It's not hard if you just use your head and don't get rushed. It tests more how you perform/think under pressure than anything. All you have to do is stay calm and think alittle bit, no biggie.

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They generally get more difficult as the test goes on and you only have about 15 seconds per question. The sample questions are usually pretty easy but I think only one guy aced it this year so it's not a simple test overall.

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