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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest JK47

Easton Stealth Question

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Guest JK47

I'm looking into a new Easton Stealth stick, but I am somewhat concerned about the durability. I don't mind the blade breaking/snapping as long as I am able to put a composite blade on the end (eg. 2 piece Synergies). I know that the Stealth shaft is slimmer, so my question is whether there is any blade that exists to turn the Stealth into a 2 piece in the event that the blade breaks? Thanks for the feedback....

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Yeah there are blades that fit. I know there are few people on this board have turned Stealths into tapered shafts with Synthesis blades. So I'm guessing most tapered blades will fit.

EDIT: Here's a few topic on it



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yah it works cuz the bottoms hollow, just cut the bottom to the lenght of a wooden synthesis bused 7 stealths broke 4 and did that and i still have them working like a charm

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wo the post messed up,

**just cut the bottom the lenght of a wooden synthesis blade, because it slightly longer and take most of the glue off of it and slide it right in, works perfect

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Maybe your slapshots are just weak! SNAP! J/K. I had my stealth for around 3-5 months now and it's still in good shape.. although the grip wore off almost instantly and the blade is almost unusable.. I'm gonna have to cut mine soon too.

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I had mine for a month and a half and the blade broke. I took it to my LHS and had them put in a int. Synthesis blade (it was an int. stealth). The blade was pretty loose but it was fine.

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wo the post messed up,

**just cut the bottom the lenght of a wooden synthesis blade, because it slightly longer and take most of the glue off of it and slide it right in, works perfect

You could problay cut further down since it's all hollow.

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Says me.....The new shafts with the raised corners have a very nice feel to them. Don't argue with me about durability/projected durability because it's not a concern of mine. Also, does anyone know if they are sending CNT's as warranty replacements? I bought a new stealth grip 3 weeks ago and have yet to receive my replacement.

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Says me.....The new shafts with the raised corners have a very nice feel to them. Don't argue with me about durability/projected durability because it's not a concern of mine. Also, does anyone know if they are sending CNT's as warranty replacements? I bought a new stealth grip 3 weeks ago and have yet to receive my replacement.

no. our store bought out the rest of the Stealths from easton (over 900 sticks i guess) so i thought when i sent mine in id get an 06 back. but aparently they made brand new 05 stealths JUST for the warranty dept. needless to say i was bummed

side note- we will recieve some of the new CNT stealths from the expo during the MN state tourney. if any one in the area is going, check out the Westwood Sports booth (right by Warrior) if youd like to possibly pick one up.

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