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New book on Barry Bonds say he is Steroidtastic

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Link to SI.com

Beginning in 1998 with injections in his buttocks of Winstrol, a powerful steroid, Barry Bonds took a wide array of performance-enhancing drugs over at least five seasons in a massive doping regimen that grew more sophisticated as the years went on, according to Game of Shadows, a book written by two San Francisco Chronicle reporters at the forefront of reporting on the BALCO steroid distribution scandal.

(An excerpt of Game of Shadows that details Bonds' steroid use appears exclusively in the March 13 issue of Sports Illustrated, which is available on newsstands beginning on Wednesday. The book's publication date is March 27.)

The authors, Mark Fainaru-Wada and Lance Williams, describe in sometimes day-to-day, drug-by-drug detail how often and how deeply Bonds engaged in the persistent doping. For instance, the authors write that by 2001, when Bonds broke Mark McGwire's single-season home-run record (70) by belting 73, Bonds was using two designer steroids referred to as the Cream and the Clear, as well as insulin, human growth hormone, testosterone decanoate (a fast-acting steroid known as Mexican beans) and trenbolone, a steroid created to improve the muscle quality of cattle.

And the story continues, long but interesting read for those who care for baseball

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I care about baseball, just not Bonds. I think there's no shock value to anyone's admission or anyone's finding of someone using at this point. When his head grew in proportion to his ego I kind of just wrote him off. I suppose one of the side-effects was rendering him completely useless in the month of October.

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I care about baseball, just not Bonds. I think there's no shock value to anyone's admission or anyone's finding of someone using at this point. When his head grew in proportion to his ego I kind of just wrote him off. I suppose one of the side-effects was rendering him completely useless in the month of October.

Same here. I don't need a magazine to tell me this guy is on steroids/HGH. In his rookie year at 23 he was listed as 6'1" and 185 pounds. Now he's listed as 6'2" and 230 (Although I think he was 240 last year). You don't gain 45 pounds of muscle and an inch in height, and have your face grow/change shape just by working out alone.


He has a bit of the stomache bulge from his organs growing too :rolleyes:

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i didn't know you could grow taller from steroids...hmm...haha j/k.

didn't they say his hat size grew 2 sizes since joining the major league? that's a very big growth considering at 23 you should've stopped growing already.

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....I don't need a magazine to tell me this guy is on steroids/HGH. In his rookie year at 23 he was listed as 6'1" and 185 pounds. Now he's listed as 6'2" and 230 (Although I think he was 240 last year). You don't gain 45 pounds of muscle and an inch in height, and have your face grow/change shape just by working out alone.

I agree that he most likely is on steroids, but even that dramtic a change in weight isn't proof enough. Some people kind of age slower than average.

For instance, at 23 I probably weighed 140 pounds. At 43, I'm around 210 pounds. There's no doubt I'm fatter, but if I had a similar amount of fat, I'd probably be between 190 and 195. That would be 50 to 55 pounds in twenty years and all I take is multi-vitamins, so that kind of weight doesn't always mean steroids.

To me, the shape of the muscle at rest, as well as excessive vascularity, often are clues of additives, although not all are illegal.

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McGwire's testimony to congress was pretty much an admission of guilt...talk about needing to get a new laywer.

As for Bonds, he has to do what McGwire did...and that's fade away into the sunset...then again, everyone loves a villan.

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