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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ribeiro's stick

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The goal should have been disallowed because the goalie made the save in front of the goal line and was shoved into the net, plus it was Ribeiro.

I get the impression around here nobody likes him much, eh?

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I do. Plus, he uses Mission :rolleyes:

What stick was he using last night anyway? http://images.sportsline.com/u/gettyimages...30622_lower.jpg


Whatever it is it's painted like a pulse.

Actually, nope. Ribeiro is the first to use the Pulse in an NHL game. Before that he was using a Hex-1 shaft with a VDS blade.

Well he's still right, it is painted like a Pulse.

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I'm pretty sure I saw Leopold using one against the Sharks last Saturday.

He was using a pulse (or stick painted like one(OSPLO)) in the olympics, or at least in the game against Russia!

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Ya i noticed that during last nights game to--- weird part is i could have sworn he was using a hex 1 for the begining portion of the game.

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Ya i noticed that during last nights game to--- weird part is i could have sworn he was using a hex 1 for the begining portion of the game.

I just noticed that when I turned the game on. He was taking a faceoff about 10 minutes in.

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Phew - thought i was seeing things from trying to stare at all the players sticks -- the things this site will do to ya -- :blink:

I sit back and enjoy the game and if something jumps out I notice it. If you spend the whole game trying to figure out what gear people are using, you miss a lot.

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How come some of the posts got deleted? Damn walk out to watch some American Idol  and shit goes down 

Some of the replies were in another topic that was made. But woot, I was right with the Pulse comment :D

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Back to the Hex-1 last night. You would figure after scoring 2 goals he would stick with the hot stick.

Long story.

How about the Cliffs Notes version?

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Back to the Hex-1 last night. You would figure after scoring 2 goals he would stick with the hot stick.

Long story.

How about the Cliffs Notes version?

Ya whats the deal with Mission being so shady-- seems that alot of there products tend to lead to deleted posts. (remember when the first photos of the new mission stick line came out?) Whats up?

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Nothing to do with it. The pics were just released too early. You gotta understand that while I get inside info, I must keep it under wraps until they tell me I can.

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Nothing to do with it.  The pics were just released too early.  You gotta understand that while I get inside info, I must keep it under wraps until they tell me I can.

No offense, but then why bother letting us know that you have information that you can't share with us?

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