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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flex question

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Hi all. I have a pretty general question

Right now I'm 5'10 and 180lbs and I currently use sticks around 80-85 flex. If I got a tps stick in the whip flex and took a slap shot, do you all think it'll break?

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i don't think you will break it. i'm 5'9" and was at 180 playing with an intermediate synthesis 75 flex and *knock on wood* i haven't broken it yet.

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Hullie was 5'11" and 200 ish (yeah, right about 12 years ago) and he would only go through 2-3 a year and we all know about his shot. So no, probably not. You'll just have to adjust your shooting style with it to find what works.

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I think he went thro more than 2-3 a year. Playing 82 games or whatever it is + playoffs. I break that many sticks sometimes in a 2-3 month time playing 3 times a week.

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Hullie was 5'11" and 200 ish (yeah, right about 12 years ago) and he would only go through 2-3 a year and we all know about his shot. So no, probably not. You'll just have to adjust your shooting style with it to find what works.

I can't remember which year it was but I remember seeing him break 2 shafts on 1 powerplay (broke one shaft and skated to the bench and got a new one, broke it on the next shot - the patented Brett Hull one timer).

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Hey, I'm 6'1 185 and used to use REG XN10, when i switch to 85, it felt so good, I decide to give a go to the whip xn10, I couldn't never adjust to it, felt too much whip, good enought for wrist shot but too much ''pop'' for slap shot

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Anyone know where the flex of the stick is measured? For instance, 48' was the standard for most senior shaft sizes and then they would put the plug in to make them longer. So, when measuring the flex of the shaft, wouldn't a 48' 85 flex be more flexible than a 51' or 55' 85 flex shaft? So, the older 48' 85 flex shaft would actually be more flexible if you added a wood plug extension to it, correct? And if you have to cut down the 51' shaft that was rated as an 85, it would then be stiffer, right?

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I believe that's right. If you look at the new NBH catalogue they just posted it actually shows you a chart on how the flex changes depending on how much length you remove from the shaft. Pretty cool.

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Hey, I'm 6'1 185 and used to use REG XN10, when i switch to 85, it felt so good, I decide to give a go to the whip xn10, I couldn't never adjust to it, felt too much whip, good enought for wrist shot but too much ''pop'' for slap shot

Exact same experience.

Exactly the same height and weight too :huh:

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Anyone know where the flex of the stick is measured? For instance, 48' was the standard for most senior shaft sizes and then they would put the plug in to make them longer. So, when measuring the flex of the shaft, wouldn't a 48' 85 flex be more flexible than a 51' or 55' 85 flex shaft? So, the older 48' 85 flex shaft would actually be more flexible if you added a wood plug extension to it, correct? And if you have to cut down the 51' shaft that was rated as an 85, it would then be stiffer, right?

48 feet is a long stick <_<

" = inches :P

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I've slowly started trying whippier sticks. I used 100's for years and now i've been liking the 85's. I had a Bauer 77 that was awesome. I just ordered an Inno 1100 shaft on ebay. The guy said that it was a 75-85 flex, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. When the shaft arrived today, it is stamped 11-440. I'm assuming that means 440 flex. That is insanely whippy. Somewhere around 65 on the Easton scale according to the flex chart. It'll be like using Hull's stick. I'll let you guys know how I like it when I've used it a few times.

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I always screw that up

I think the 440 flex was for rollerhockey and Hullie's flex was a 420. I've also read recommendations to not use the 440 flex for ice hockey (if you're an average or larger sized adult).

'Nother question about decreasing the flex when cutting the shaft. I had real short hosel length blades and when I got my new 51" :D shafts, the length was perfect and I did not need to cut anything. I now have custom blades with the longer style hosel length and now I have to cut 2 inches off the shaft. The overall length of my stick, shaft and blade included, does not change but the length of the shaft now does. Will that make the shaft more stiff?

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