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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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HockeyGiant.com Order

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:angry: I ordered a pair of 7.5D Bauer Supreme 8090 from HockeyGiant.com. They arrived quickly, and I was excited to get them broken in for a weekend game. I took them out of the box, and looked at them closely. Both skates were 7.5D but, one skate had perforated LS2 steel, and the other had solid LS2 steel.

I call Customer Service, and they agreed to send me a new runner (my choice: perf or solid) and I picked the solid.

Should I send the pair of skates back thinking that they could have been a mis-match, or should I take them up on their offer?

What are your feelings?

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Don't you think that they are a different pair of skates if one is perforated, and one is solid?  Why else would that be?

Mixed up RMA's..

A lot of times, the discounted skates you get are actually returns from somebody else. If the skate has a defect, they will take the good boot and match it with another boot that isnt defective...

Yet ANTHER reason why you should shop at your LHS..

I dont want to sound mean.. but thats what you get for getting skates online.

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I agree. I have a LHS that is outstanding, but, I have saved $250.00USD online, so a little grief may be worth it.

What is your LHS selling 8090's at, and would you send free runners to someone if they were mixed?

I guess my question is.....Should I send these back?

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Don't you think that they are a different pair of skates if one is perforated, and one is solid? Why else would that be?

it could be the same pair....if worse comes to worse with a situation (such as bauer had with broken steel) we would canablize our stock skates and grab a piece of steel if it made the customer happy, Granted once we got new steel in we would match it up with either solid or perf, whatever was on the opposite skate.....one might have slipped through the cracks.

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Are you sure these aren't blems or 2nds? I've seen on other posts that the reason some of the online places can undercut your LHS so significantly is because you're not getting a perfect pair.

At the least, rather than finding out painfully that they're not exactly the same skate, return them for another. Besides, why should you go through the hassle of replacing the runner? What if something else goes wrong with them because of this?

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Excatly, I got my Vapor XXX's from 1800faceoff. They were blems, but i was lucky enough to go into there shop to take a look at them first. There was actually like nothing wrong with them, checked them top to bottom. Looked new, holders and runners in great condition. For $349.99 it was a awesome deal.

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Are you sure these aren't blems or 2nds? I've seen on other posts that the reason some of the online places can undercut your LHS so significantly is because you're not getting a perfect pair.

At the least, rather than finding out painfully that they're not exactly the same skate, return them for another. Besides, why should you go through the hassle of replacing the runner? What if something else goes wrong with them because of this?

8090s are discontinued

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8090s are discontinued

Well, if they've been discontinued then they must have been crappy to start with, eh? :P

Too bad the 8090s are some of the best skate made.

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Well. I received my new steel from HockeyGiant. I was the wrong size, and when I called back, they informed me that the right size is out of stock, and that they would have to contact Bauer as to when the correct size will be available. I have had it. I am finally returning the skates.

They have definitely lost a customer here. Anybody else have any similar problems with HockeyGiant?

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8090s are discontinued

Well, if they've been discontinued then they must have been crappy to start with, eh? :P


Thats a silly statement and you know it. All product has a life cycle no matter how great it is. The 8090 product cycle was up after 2005 as NBH had the One90 in RD & D before the 8090 even hit the marketplace in 2004. The 8090 is an excellent skate for many, not all, players. In time, the 8090 will be missed by those who were very comfortable wearing them and can no longer purchase them. BTW, a '57 T-Bird is a great car but you can't buy one of those anymore, either!

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8090s are discontinued

Well, if they've been discontinued then they must have been crappy to start with, eh? :P


Thats a silly statement and you know it. All product has a life cycle no matter how great it is. The 8090 product cycle was up after 2005 as NBH had the One90 in RD & D before the 8090 even hit the marketplace in 2004. The 8090 is an excellent skate for many, not all, players. In time, the 8090 will be missed by those who were very comfortable wearing them and can no longer purchase them. BTW, a '57 T-Bird is a great car but you can't buy one of those anymore, either!

From the presence of the lighthearted smiling-with-tongue-out emoticon, I deduced that hockeyherb was being less than serious in his assessment of 8090s.

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lengas... by any chance are the holders the same on the skates. The ones with perf stell normally have little indents in the bottom. If you still have the skates, check for that, I'm just curious. If that is the case, you have two different holders. Another reason to return them.

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8090s are discontinued

Well, if they've been discontinued then they must have been crappy to start with, eh? :P


Thats a silly statement and you know it. All product has a life cycle no matter how great it is. The 8090 product cycle was up after 2005 as NBH had the One90 in RD & D before the 8090 even hit the marketplace in 2004. The 8090 is an excellent skate for many, not all, players. In time, the 8090 will be missed by those who were very comfortable wearing them and can no longer purchase them. BTW, a '57 T-Bird is a great car but you can't buy one of those anymore, either!

From the presence of the lighthearted smiling-with-tongue-out emoticon, I deduced that hockeyherb was being less than serious in his assessment of 8090s.


Sorry DarkStar, I know it's hard to convey sarcasm in the online world, but I hoped the tongue would have said it for me.

I almost bought myself a pair of 8090s but the LHS had some 8000 on clearance for a lot less and it was good enough for me.

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After I hit "add reply", I kind of figured you were joking. Some kids here do get carried away and would have started the anti-8090 thread on that note. Even as a dealer, I am sorry to see the traditional Supreme line get put to bed. I am just old school when it comes to skate construction tradition. I do wear XX but would love an old Daoust 301 boot with a few modern tweaks. That would be a dream come true!

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No worries man. It must be frustrating to have to learn all those new skates all the time - their pros and cons. I think it would be nice for a dealer to be able to say year in and year out 'You can't go wrong buying this series...'

Sort of like if you buy a Camry every year you pretty well know what you're getting.

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Don't you think that they are a different pair of skates if one is perforated, and one is solid?  Why else would that be?

it could be the same pair....if worse comes to worse with a situation (such as bauer had with broken steel) we would canablize our stock skates and grab a piece of steel if it made the customer happy, Granted once we got new steel in we would match it up with either solid or perf, whatever was on the opposite skate.....one might have slipped through the cracks.

I'm willing to bet money that this is exactly what happened.

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I've had awesome experiences w/ hockeygiant, in like 10 orders over the years. In the past 4 months, I've ordered Bauer XIX's, that got caught up in Fedex's shipping system for a week (the tracking system did not update at all, so the package was lost somewhere). I called up and they sent another pair out immediately, next day air. A week later, Fedex found the lost package and it came too.. ;)

On my next order, I ordered gloves that were out of stock, and they called me up and told me to choose new ones. I picked ones $20 more expensive than the originals.. on the house.

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i ordered my 8090s from them, and they are great. no problems, and i got them sharpened there. they were a pretty good sharpening, unlike the person who got some missions sharpened

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