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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Vector 10.0 stick

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Today,I stopped by a new hockey shop that just opened two days ago. Man, it's the nicest hockey store I've ever seen. They actually have a place, in the store, where you can try any OPS. That is, they put a piece of tape under the blade, and you can try it for as long as you want.

Anyway, they had all of the new ccm OPS. I tried the V10.0, with the Lemieux patern. It felt so good that I had to buy it, even if we're in the playoffs and have maximum 6 games left to play. I took it to the game tonight, and had 3 goals and an assist. All of my goals were slapshots from the blue line (I'm a d-man). Don't know if it had anything to do with the new stick, but it sure helped a little.

All of the Vector OPS line is great. They have pretty nice new patterns too (Ovechkin, Steen, Lemieux). The only thing though, they're pretty expansive. (I paid mine 350$ cdn.)

I recommend that sitck to anyone. The V8.0 is nice too, a little heavier (not that much) and the blade isn't as stiff as the V10.0's. It costs about 220/230$ cdn.

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$350CND? That is just sick for a stick :P Sometimes I don't know why people pay that kind of money for maybe 2 grams less weight than a stick half of that price..

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Nice review, I'm anxious to see how the lemieux pattern performs.

BTW, I think you payed way too much. I guess that's the inflated price you pay to be able to try every ops in the store, they have to make up for it somewhere.

What's the name of the store? It's odd that a store that only been open 2 days gets the high end stuff before other longer established stores.

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Please tell me they re-shelf the sticks that kids whack away with in this little test room...I don't know about you, but I'd stay miles away from a store that let's people "test" sticks...

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I've been to store that had a "stick testing zone" as well.It was a caged in area complete with goal and radar gun.They provided designated test sticks in the cage.

No one with a retail stick was even alllowed near the test zone,even had a guy keeping watch

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The name of the store is Hockey Expert.

Yes, the stick is super lightweight, like a stealth or Vapor XXX X-Lite. I don't know what the actual wieght of the sitck is, but it felt as light as a Steath(mady a few grams lighter or heavier). But I found the balance of the stick to be better than any of the other high end sticks on the market.

The Ovechkinn pattern is a slight open heel wedge.

The Steen pattern, I think, is a replacement for the Stuart pattern, but it seemed the curve was a little deeper.

And the Lemieux pattern looks very much like the Doan one (though they still have both), exept the Lemieux one has a little longer blade.

As for the garantee, it is 33 days(don't know why it's not 30).

For all of those worried about the used sticks in the testing zone, the manager told me that very stick that is beeing tested stays in the testing zone, so that they don't have to use a new one every time somebody wants to try the same OPS.

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$350CND? That is just sick for a stick :P Sometimes I don't know why people pay that kind of money for maybe 2 grams less weight than a stick half of that price..

you think 350CND$ is bad, the si-cores were 319$ plus tax(so 370$), just a year ago and the stealth was the same thing

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The name of the store is Hockey Expert.

Yes, the stick is super lightweight, like a stealth or Vapor XXX X-Lite. I don't know what the actual wieght of the sitck is, but it felt as light as a Steath(mady a few grams lighter or heavier). But I found the balance of the stick to be better than any of the other high end sticks on the market.

The Ovechkinn pattern is a slight open heel wedge.

The Steen pattern, I think, is a replacement for the Stuart pattern, but it seemed the curve was a little deeper.

And the Lemieux pattern looks very much like the Doan one (though they still have both), exept the Lemieux one has a little longer blade.

As for the garantee, it is 33 days(don't know why it's not 30).

For all of those worried about the used sticks in the testing zone, the manager told me that very stick that is beeing tested stays in the testing zone, so that they don't have to use a new one every time somebody wants to try the same OPS.

Where is it? I've been looking for an adress for so long. (its in laval right)

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I paid $300 plus tax CDN for both my XXX and XXX Lite when they came out, came to $355 and something cents with tax. I wouldn't mind buying a Vector 10.0 now that they have new patterns, depends on my summer job and what I play next year though.

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Lots of guys are using it now. The Sedins had them last night. Just look for a CCM labled stick with reddish-orange colors on the mid portion of the stick.

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any pros using this stick? if so whats it look like?

Lecavlier has been using it but thats all i know the CCM 06 catalogue in swedish was floating around here somewhere

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The store is in Trois-Rivieres, Quebec. It belongs to the same group as the Sports Expert srotes.

I'l try to get pictures, but I don't have my digital camere (my bro took it with him, and he's in Thailand) and I don't have a scanner.

The Ovechkin pattern looks very much like easton's drury, but the curve is not as deep.

As for the blade, I've never had a V130, so I don't really know if it's an uptated version. What I can say though, is out of all of the high end OPS, which I pretty much all tried in the testing zone, it had the stiffest and best feeling blade.

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