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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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kevlar palms

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I've always been interested in kevlar palms, and I thought that due to their durability, they'd be the wave of the future. That turned out not to be the case though. Anybody know why kevlar really isn't used much in palms?

Also, I have a pair of Itech HG440s, which had kevlar patch over the thumb and the palms, but not the fingers. I could have sworn that the year before Itech produced a glove that provided 100% kevlar palm coverage. Can anybody verify this?

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I had a pair of Itechs about 10 years ago that had the Kevlar patch also. I-90's maybe, don't remember exactly. I probably still have them laying around somewhere. Don't know exactly why it never took off.

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Secret recording of the discussion between engineers at the hockey glove company (name witheld to protect the innocent):

Engineer1: So what you are saying is that our hockey glove with the kevlar palm is lasting so long that our customers are not buying a replacement every year, and our sales are plummeting?

Marketing Manager: Yep!

Engineer 2: Now I am just spit balling here, but the kevlar palm is so durable and flexible that we should be drawing new customers to the glove

Marketing Manager: No, you do not understand. If we continue to offer the glove with kevlar, then competitors x and y told me that they are going to have to start offering it too. Then our competitive advantage will be gone.

Engineer 1: What if we did something to deliberately screw up the glove after one year, like making the seams unravel or making the materials especially susceptable to mold?

Marketing Manager: No the deal I made golfing yesterday was that we would just drop the Kevlar. Plus we do not want customers returning gloves with unravelling seams for a warranty repair, or worse, talking about our poor quality on one of those hockey Dboards like ModsquadHockey!

Engineer 2: Yeah you are right. Once those Dboard guys figure it out, we would really have a marketing problem on our hands.

Marketing Manager: Ok, so the plan is to pull the kevlar and replace it with some sort of thin leather or goatskin that will last, at the most, two years, OK........

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I have RBK 3K gloves in the shop that the nash palm is ripping in the fingers once we take them out of the bags for customers! Talk about planned obsolescence, this is instant! Who thought of that? I do like your marketing strategy session!

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I was actually wondering if the whole kevlar thing was pulled when they realized how near indestructible the stuff is.

I had 3 pairs of cheap $30 gloves that lasted about 2 years each before the palms shredded on me. Then I got these kevlar gloves and I've been holding onto them for about 6 or so years now. I have a tiny whole in my top hand glove at the base of the index finger--right where the kevlar isn't.

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I have RBK 3K gloves in the shop that the nash palm is ripping in the fingers once we take them out of the bags for customers! Talk about planned obsolescence, this is instant! Who thought of that? I do like your marketing strategy session!

That happened to our 4ks...they would shred from just being on the glove wall.

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My friend stabbed his I-80s once he retired them, with a pretty good thrust it didn't do much at all.

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Kevlar is tough stuff and lasts forever. They use in in car tires for radial bands because it tougher than steel. You start making glove palms out of kevlar the palms never wear out and you end up with a glove you keep for ten years. Not very good if you sell hockey gloves. So figure it out, if your an equipment manufacturer why would you make something you don't need to replace for a long time. You'll end up with a ton of merchandise in a warehouse somewhere and pay for the storage costs for years. Not good marketing practice my friends. B)

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i just recently sold a pair of old hespeler gloves with kevlar palms, had them for almost 10 years. they were awesome gloves, unfortuneately while the palms were still perfectly intact, the rest of the glove was not.

my mission m2's are still holding up quite nice after 2 seasons, though i was skeptical of the palm after the kevlar missions.

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If those palms were intact, I would have just saved them.

And perhaps a decent strategy for companies could be to create long-lasting kevlar gloves, but just charge like $300 for them.

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Kevlar is tough stuff and lasts forever. They use in in car tires for radial bands because it tougher than steel. You start making glove palms out of kevlar the palms never wear out and you end up with a glove you keep for ten years.

There has to be a hygiene issue in that arguement somewhere :P

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