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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9k Skates

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After everytime I skate, I hang my skates upside down with the tongue open and insole removed and after even 1-2 days the liner in my 9ks is still soaked. This has never happened to me with any other skates. Any suggestions?


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where do you hang them? try finding a drier place

edit : i find that when i put my skates somewhere cool or somewhere with no air circulation, for example, my garage, they rarely ever dry.

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But you shouldn't have to pay 70 plus the expensive shipping cost from HG to get a 700cnd pair of skate dry!!!

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But you shouldn't have to pay 70 plus the expensive shipping cost from HG to get a 700cnd pair of skate dry!!!

What, more expensive skates are supposed to dry themselves magically ?

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I don't have RBK skates but to dry mine I put them in a warm room take the insoles out and have a fan blow air on them. About an hour later they're ready to go.

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lie them on their side, dont hang them i beleive JR touched on this once

or u can rest them on the toungue and tendon guard that way if there laying down on a concrete floor you dont run the risk of ruining the edges.

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My friend has the 9k skates and loves the drainage on it. Probably because of the 2 holes drilled in the bottom. This is the 1st I've herd of draining these skates. But I have used the skate drying machine on my old skates and it works really good.

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Ok, silly question:

do drainage holes really work? They sound like a gimmick to me. Will sweat really drip out of these holes or is it just for heat removal and air circulation?

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Try buying a dehumidifier. I hang all of my gear out in my dad's darkroom/drying room with a dehumidifier in it, and within 3 hours (with it on of course), all of my gear is pretty dry.

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ok, I bumped a very old thread to ask about the efficacy of drainage holes. I'm looking for responses to that issue. Thanks!

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To help dry your skates just invest in a small fan heater that will blow warm air into with the skates lead on there sides.Remembering to remove th skate liners to allow proper air circulation to get right through the skates. This will also help stop the rivets from rusting out quickly. Wearing damp or wet will lead to premature breakdown of the boats and is something i would try to avoid st sll times

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To help dry your skates just invest in a small fan heater that will blow warm air into with the skates lead on there sides.Remembering to remove th skate liners to allow proper air circulation to get right through the skates. This will also help stop the rivets from rusting out quickly. Wearing damp or wet will lead to premature breakdown of the boats and is something i would try to avoid st sll times

who are you replying to? This thread is over a year old. Maybe I made a mistake in adding to this thread instead of starting a new one. :(

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To help dry your skates just invest in a small fan heater that will blow warm air into with the skates lead on there sides.Remembering to remove th skate liners to allow proper air circulation to get right through the skates. This will also help stop the rivets from rusting out quickly. Wearing damp or wet will lead to premature breakdown of the boats and is something i would try to avoid st sll times

who are you replying to? This thread is over a year old. Maybe I made a mistake in adding to this thread instead of starting a new one. :(

sorry didn't read the original dates

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