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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bo from Boston

Stealth for sale on EBAY

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looks like modano went back to his old curve, the one he used in his minnesota days

I was wondering about the curve, it looks like his retail pattern from that angle. His Si-core curves that I saw were more of a heel.

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There's always going to be a point that gets stressed the most and it has to be hard to find the perfect point of balance, weight, durability and balance. They seem to be breaking at the flex point. Is that because of a sacrifice in durability made to make it lighter or balance better or because of abuse taken in that area? No way to know really.

Yeah, there's no way to know. Well, no way for me to know at least. I like to see what the companies are coming up with to reduce breakages and keep the weight and balance right. And all the while trying to keep performance up.

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Season's all but done so if I get any ice-time I'll go out and crank shots and see if this breaks. I don't know what it's make-up is but it's definitely bulgy and I can't say if that's going to help or hurt how fragile it is.

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i kno this post is old but i'm just wondering did hattrick really buy both these stealths for 675$(american) for both???(I live in canada.. that is like 2,000,000 here..lol)

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if u wanted to know why didnt u just PM him instead of bringing up this 2 month old topic for a question like that? not to be an ass, but its annoying..

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