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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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flex advice

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being as i do not like the composite blades i decided to go with a shaft with a wood blade. i am 6' 206lbs and was thinking about getting a warrior ak27 with an 85 flex as most of my shots are wrists or snap shots, slapper i would say maybe less than 10%.

i assume this would be acceptable, or should i get the 100? i know its mainly personal, but if you go lower than the 50% bodyweight do you run a higher risk of snapping the stick (by no means to i feel that i am strong enough for that, more of a theory question).

so basically easton pro wood blade with a warrior ak27 shaft, get the 85 or the 100?

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How much do you normally cut your sticks down?

i dont. the only ones i have cut have been the two that were longer than 57" (synergy butt end and ccm vector 50) most sticks are perfect right off the rack.

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My reply will contradict many of the previous posts. I'm 5'7, 140lb, play adult league (though a fairly competitive level) with slappers and I typically play D. This year I switched from 85 to 100 and loved it. Either my technique is not good enough to take advantage of the extra loading with the lower flex or just good enough that I can effectively load the 100. Also I did not notice any change in release quickness or forgiveness. Where I really like the stiffer stick is in work along the boards where there is a lot of contact with other sticks and you are trying to muscle the puck up to a teammate. With the more flexible stick, it sometimes felt like it was about to snap in half with an opposing player leaning on you/your stck and all power and control was lost. the stiffer stick feels much better in those situations. My PP.

Good luck, try to borrow a few sticks, you can tell quite a bit snapping off a few wristers. Or take out a loan for a couple thousand bucks and go nuts at your LHS.


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6'2 180 pounds when i switched down to an 85 flex. Best thing i did. It was so good i tried going down to a Whip flex. Didnt help - made my shot shitty. Now that im closing in on 200 pounds :( -- and my shot has gotten better - i am going to experiment with an 100 flex - but still luv my 85.

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6'2 180 pounds when i switched down to an 85 flex. Best thing i did. It was so good i tried going down to a Whip flex. Didnt help - made my shot shitty. Now that im closing in on 200 pounds  :(  -- and my shot has gotten better - i am going to experiment with an 100 flex - but still luv my 85.

see i am hesitant because i have the green synergy (st?) at the 100+ flex and i am completely off with that stick. i also use a wooden easton classic, same curve on both. with the wood classic my accuracy and touch is there, with the synergy everything is off, shots are high or wide, im sure at thi point it has probably become more of a mental block that anything else. still have to figure out whether to go with the 85 or 100. maybe ill experiment at my games this weekend in warmups. too bad i sold by reebok 5k or i could have tested that flex.

EDIT... just found out i have the easton 100 flex, would this be accurate to a warrior 100 flex?

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didn't want to start another thread but I was wondering if you add a 3" composite plug to a 110 flex stick what kinda of flex should it feel like? 100ish?

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it will remain the same, if you buy an oggie grip it will become more flexible since it has built in flex.

But a regular butt-end is stiff and won't in/decrease flex.

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Nope patrick, the flex will decrease:

L=59.75in (I will assume he is using a stealth)

k(size change)=59.75/62.75



flex=104 lbs

I used this calculation the other day to find my desired flex (now 85). I will post it in intrest of the members seeking out the "formula"

The equation below is for the flex of an 85 stick minus two inches






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I'm using a synthesis with a carbon fiber end plug.

thanks lester, that seems about right. But I wonder about sticks with low kickpoints; since they are made to flex lower wouldnt that make the upper part of the shaft stiffer? which would mean that adding an end plug would thereby have less effect on the change in flex?

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well im 6'3" tall and i weight 195 lbs... and i use a bauer vapor XXX in 77 flex and i shoot twice as hard as if i would have a 110 i dont find a difference in my shot i just like whippier sticks for a quicker release i find the stick does more in your shot then a 110 flex would

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lesterhenson: thanks for the "formula", common sense when you think about it, but quite handy. I play with a 105flex Mission Ion shaft, can anybody guess how long my shaft is? ;)

I'm under the impression that a endplug doesn't flex.

If you cut a shaft the portion that flexes decreases & the stiffness increases.

If you put a endplug in a shaft, the portion that flexes stays the same (since the endplug doesnt flex, unless it's a oggie grip) & so will the stiffness.

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To TBL fan, true true, I should have added a little disclaimer, I came across the taper problem you mentioned. In my case, I was trying to figure out the flex of an SL that I had cut and put a tflex blade in.

(I should have stated this in my original post, but here it is now.) With the formula I used, I had to make a generalization that the flex rating is based off the total length of the stick (and the flex point is not altered by any taper). (in my case, my stealth is 59.73 from heel to butt). Last week or so I created a topic concerning the actual shaft length of the stealth for the aforementioned reasons (taper, flexpoint issues when determing flex thru size change). On my stealth, from what looks like to be a psuedo fusion point, it is 51 inches from heel to butt. When calculating with 51 as the l figure, similiar results are incountered, so I decided to stick with the 59.75 in.

- Regardless if the end plug flexes or not, it aplys more force to the flexible portion of the shaft. More force applied means more flex.

For any questions, I went ahead and made a table of flexes when cut down or extended. The table is based off of a 59.75 long standard flex area. Taper is neglected and table should be used as reference only. If I were to change anything, I think I should have done the table based on a 51 inch standard shaft, but too late now.

Length(in) -1 -2 -3

110 111.8723404 113.8095238 115.814978

100 101.7021277 103.4632035 105.2863436

95 96.61702128 98.29004329 100.0220264

90 91.53191489 93.11688312 94.75770925

85 86.44680851 87.94372294 89.49339207

80 81.36170213 82.77056277 84.22907489

77 78.3106383 79.66666667 81.07048458

75 76.27659574 77.5974026 78.96475771


+1 +2 +3

110 108.1893004 106.437247 104.7410359

100 98.35390947 96.7611336 95.21912351

95 93.43621399 91.92307692 90.45816733

90 88.51851852 87.08502024 85.69721116

85 83.60082305 82.24696356 80.93625498

80 78.68312757 77.40890688 76.1752988

77 75.73251029 74.50607287 73.3187251

75 73.7654321 72.5708502 71.41434263

*shaft taper neglected

*Length used= 59.75

*Referene only

edit, I apologize for the hard to read attempt at a table, from the left to right The first number is the flex, followed by the amount of flex. second column= +-1 third = +-2 and fourth =+-3

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These numbers aren't correlating very well with the Bauer table (page 26 of their catalog). My guess is their shaft lengths are either different than your assumption or measured differently.

If I weren't so lazy I would take their specs from the catalog and back calculate the stiffness constant (k) to see if it is as simple as a straightforward stiffness formula.

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You guys make this wayyy to complicated. 2-4 flex wont matter much.

I buy a stick thats the right flex, cut it and use it. Not too difficult ;)

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You guys make this wayyy to complicated. 2-4 flex wont matter much.

I buy a stick thats the right flex, cut it and use it. Not too difficult ;)

damn right.

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You guys make this wayyy to complicated. 2-4 flex wont matter much.

I buy a stick thats the right flex, cut it and use it. Not too difficult ;)

damn right.

It's not rocket science, find one you like and use it.

To many people (especially kids) use "flex" as a badge of honor...my stick is a 110 flex, I'm a man!!!. IMHO most people use a stick that is way to stiff for them. To stiff doesn't maximize the flex giving them worse shots and terrible shooting form.

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yah, I'm about 165, 6" and play wing, and about a year ago, i switched from 100 flex to an 87 but i cut my sticks down a bit shorter. Regardless, the extra whippiness really helps my wrist and snapper which I use like 90% of the time cause i can get the shot off faster and more accurate. Don't really get to take many slappers but take the occasional one. I suggest going to an 85/87 flex. Takes a little while to get used to but once you do, i think you'll like it. Ideally, you want the stick to do most of the worst and use it to its full potential

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You guys make this wayyy to complicated. 2-4 flex wont matter much.

I buy a stick thats the right flex, cut it and use it. Not too difficult ;)

damn right.

It's not rocket science, find one you like and use it.

To many people (especially kids) use "flex" as a badge of honor...my stick is a 110 flex, I'm a man!!!. IMHO most people use a stick that is way to stiff for them. To stiff doesn't maximize the flex giving them worse shots and terrible shooting form.

I couldn't possibly agree more. It's amazing how many people improve by dropping to a lighter flex.

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I actually went from a whip flex to an 85 flex when i bit the bullet and gave one piece sticks a second chance. The difference was noticeable! I find that if you're using a stick that's too whippy it dampens your shot and there's a little bit of a lag.

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You guys make this wayyy to complicated. 2-4 flex wont matter much.

I buy a stick thats the right flex, cut it and use it. Not too difficult ;)

damn right.

It's not rocket science, find one you like and use it.

To many people (especially kids) use "flex" as a badge of honor...my stick is a 110 flex, I'm a man!!!. IMHO most people use a stick that is way to stiff for them. To stiff doesn't maximize the flex giving them worse shots and terrible shooting form.

The thing is that my stick is 110 flex and it works fine for me(i kinda like whippier but i just tear them apart). I'm a big strong guy that gets a lot of flex with my 110 flex synergy. I'm also not exactly a kid at 22 years old.

Also don't think I can really find a stiffer (easton synthesis/synergy) stick to offset the end plug added.

Actually, I was thinking about this after I left to go out for the night. I added a 3" carbon fiber end plug to the snythesis, but the synthesis came with an end plug so is the flex rating with or without the plug?

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I believe flex rating are without the plug because they are for determining how much a shaft flexes under a specific weight.

Here is a better question...how much variance is there in stick flex? +/- 2.5 - 5 - 10%. The sticks will not be accurate to what is labeled. This is inheirant because of the manufacturing process, regardless if it is from the same production line. Amount of actual resin, temperature, carbon fiber can and will varie regardless of how close of tolerances are trying to be acheived. And wood sticks would flucuate more due to the natural properties of wood.

You don't get the same tasting cheeseburger from different McDonalds even though they are suppose to be made the same.

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