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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drying Blades

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is there anything that i can buy to dry my blades after i get off the ice? a normal cloth doesnt seem to get all the water off :(

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paper towels are quite absorbant.

But they cut quite easily...

You can never properly dry a blade with a towel unless you do it for a long time. Easiest way is to wipe off the ice and water and use a blade cloth cover to cover your blades.

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ok so those plastic skate guards are for walking, theyre useless for storing in bags and stuff?

and after i get off the ice i should get those terry cloth covers, throw them on the blades even if theyre wet and theyl soak up all the moisture?

where could i get terry cloth covers in the uk?

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Prior to showering, use your hockey socks to get the bulk of water off the skates. By the time you're finished showering, most of the water will have dried -- the skate soakers will do the rest.

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Prior to showering, use your hockey socks to get the bulk of water off the skates. By the time you're finished showering, most of the water will have dried -- the skate soakers will do the rest.

I have also seen people use the larger end of the sock and stick their skate blade into that so you have like a skate blade soaker there. I don't know if it works. Maybe it is to protect the blade more.

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one more thing

these soakers are made out of cloth, doesnt the sharp blade kinda cut the thing to shreds? :S

and once you get off the ice and put the soakers on, can you just leave them on until the next time you go back in like a weeks time or something? or should they be taken off when u get home?

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one more thing

these soakers are made out of cloth, doesnt the sharp blade kinda cut the thing to shreds? :S

and once you get off the ice and put the soakers on, can you just leave them on until the next time you go back in like a weeks time or something? or should they be taken off when u get home?

Not really...

They hold up nicely.

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Guest Muck

Unless you walk in your soakers, that'll tear them up. Get blade guards for that.

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Does anybody have trouble drying perforated steel?

I do (CCM perforated steel). I occasionally take it off in order to clean off the tops of the scallops and the tabs that go into the blade holder.

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Does anybody have trouble drying perforated steel?

I do (CCM perforated steel). I occasionally take it off in order to clean off the tops of the scallops and the tabs that go into the blade holder.

i dont my Vapor XX perf steel holds up fine against rust.

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one more thing

these soakers are made out of cloth, doesnt the sharp blade kinda cut the thing to shreds? :S

and once you get off the ice and put the soakers on, can you just leave them on until the next time you go back in like a weeks time or something? or should they be taken off when u get home?

Don't walk in your soakers and take them off when you get home.

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