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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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which is best for me

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em i was wonderin if u guys had any thoughts on which skates were best for me i was lookin at the vector10.0 and the rbk 9k pumps. i am currently skating in the easton synergy 1300. i am a d man and i am well built

any help would be great

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if you are looking between the 10.0 and the 9k i think you will like the 9k. The only way to know fusure is to try them on and find out.

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dont get the 9k pumps then, a shot in the wrong place and your pump is gone. vecors sound like a good bet if they fit properly

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I would take a good look at all of them. They all fit very differently like other people have said earlier in this topic, so try them all on and go from there.

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I like missions, the pitch is nice and I think the Fuel line will shed some weight off the S and L lines. Also Darkstar, if a shot to the boot of a 9k would damage the pump, Dion would just get another pair for free. No real loss for NHL players.

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has anyone actually got the 10.0 or the new fuel line if so giv me some info plz

I've been skating in the Fuel AG 110 since December, what do you want to know about it?

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Hate to but in, but if Im wearing Flexlites, would I transition to XX's nicely or no?

not likely

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Also Darkstar, if a shot to the boot of a 9k would damage the pump, Dion would just get another pair for free. No real loss for NHL players.

With that line of thinking, then I guess no one should buy a Pump skate?

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anyone know the approximate prices for the Fuel 85,75,and 65? i see on epuck the 110xp is $450 and the 95 xp is $300.

Sounds high to me. I put out 110 XP at $400 and 95 XP at $260.

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The only problem with going to Missions is the fit is a lot different than the 1300's. I got the L-7's on sale and it toke me some time to adjust to the feel, it was totally different from my Synergys. I would probably go for the Vector 10's if I had the choice because the fit between Easton and CCM is very close.

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hmm well if i was lucky my parents would get me the Fuel 95 AG/XP for christmas around $250. What are the main differences between the AG and XP lines?

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hmm well if i was lucky my parents would get me the Fuel 95 AG/XP for christmas around $250. What are the main differences between the AG and XP lines?

I think the catalog explains the differences. If not, look at the older catalog and read the differences between the S and L series.

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My advice would be to go to your LHS and try on every skate in your price range. Once you've tried on all of the skates that interest you, buy the skate that feels and fits the best on your feet.

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im wantin to no if the mission is better worse or equal to the 10.0 ....if u get what i meen :S

Everyone is going to have a different opinion on that.

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