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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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most poular pant in nhl

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CCM = 291

Easton = 173

Bauer = 93

Tackla = 40

RBK = 12

TPS = 7

Mission = 2

Fury = 2

Keep in mind that the numbers might be skewed a bit as endorsed players cover up their pants with shells from their brand.

JR, are those pro pants all similar to the top of the line equivalent? Like for the RBK guys, do they wear pants with the adjustable thigh padding?

I figure that at least the eastons and CCM's would be, but the bauer's are still more similar to the old 5000's right?

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I'm also really surprised that Tackla pants aren't more widely used in the NHL. They are a great product and a very mobile pant. I know their very widely used in Europe and Russia. CCM and Easton doesn't surprise me at all because I've heard both are very protective. I use Jofa 9500's myself because I like the European fit as opposed to North American fit of the CCM Tacks line. My next pair will be Tacklas though.

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CCM = 291

Easton = 173

Bauer = 93

Tackla = 40

RBK = 12

TPS = 7

Mission = 2

Fury = 2

Keep in mind that the numbers might be skewed a bit as endorsed players cover up their pants with shells from their brand.

JR, are those pro pants all similar to the top of the line equivalent? Like for the RBK guys, do they wear pants with the adjustable thigh padding?

I figure that at least the eastons and CCM's would be, but the bauer's are still more similar to the old 5000's right?

No idea.

Duch - more guys are wearing Tackla. That is why I posted that the numbers are skewed because of endorsement deals.

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CCM = 291

Easton = 173

Bauer = 93

Tackla = 40

RBK = 12

TPS = 7

Mission = 2

Fury = 2

Keep in mind that the numbers might be skewed a bit as endorsed players cover up their pants with shells from their brand.

JR I would have to say your right and I bet more Players wear Tackla with shells than any other pant from what I saw working with Toronto.

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anson carter and markus naslund use girdles

Which girdle does Markus Naslund uses?

The Ultra Slimming Control Top 16 Hour girdle.

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