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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin Skates

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I don't know, it looks very mirrored to me. I wear a mirrored shield, and this is how it looks. You can see through it in bright light, just not as easily as the smoked shield. I definitely think he has a mirrored one on here.

Its not, I was watching the game start to finish, he was wearing the smoked visor again last night.

And I want to say (but not sure) the mirror one is not certified for use in the NHL, but I cold be wrong.

But he definately wasn't wearing the mirror last night, but I agree in that pic, he looks like he was

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Does anyone on here that wears a mirrored visor get a lot of unwanted attention?

I wear a mirrored visor, and I have gotten the following comments:

"Where the heck did you get that visor? It's pretty sweet."

"Whoa, that looks so space cadetish."

"How much was that visor? Where did you get it? Might be cool to get one."

"Can you see out of that thing? What does it look like?"

"Nice visor Ovechkin."

My personal favorite, from a goalie this week:

"You are f-in' killin' me man, I can't see your eyes and it's screwin' with my game."

As for making me a target, no, I don't think so. If someone has tried to target me, I haven't noticed. I really like this visor, kinda changes the game up and is something different out there.

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its def. mirrored i watched the game and i'm 15 so i can wear a visor but that mirrored one looks so sick

It's not mirrored, its a darker smoked visor because of the brightness in the montreal stadium, hence the more reflective appearance.

Go to www.gettyimages.com search for ovechkin under the sports search, pics within the last 7 days.

It will bring up 2 images, one is pregame, and you can see as he has his helmet up on his head and no direct light on the visor that its a darker smoke visor, the other is the one that looks like its mirrored


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Does anyone on here that wears a mirrored visor get a lot of unwanted attention?

We'd played against a guy that had one last year in our summer league. He was called "Speed Racer" and "Power Ranger". He didn't help his cause at all by playing in the wrong league (he was a "ringer" and got put on restriction after his second game).

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His visor was definitely mirrored. I could see stuff reflecting in it and unless they showed it from a perfect angle, you couldn't see his eyes at all. He was wearing a different cut of oakley before too. I know because I have the visor he used to wear. Same cut as naslunds Oakley. This one is basically a retail straight cut mirrored visor.

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