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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin Skates

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I don't know whether the tint is differnet, but doesn't he normally wear an Itech ProWave (or something Equivilant)?

That looks awfully straight cut....

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I can officially say it was mirrored, they gave a closeup of him yesterday during the warmups and it wasn't a black tinted visor. It wasn't a full not see thru mirror like Fleury wore about 5 or 6 All Star games back, it was kinda of a sunglasses mirror that depends on how you look at it, it may be see thru and sometimes you see the eyes, depends on how the light hits the lens.

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so is this the Oakley straight cut? I thought he used to have the Itech Pro Wave before.

He used an HS22 Pro Wave clear visor for about a half a dozen games in the NHL before switching over to the Oakley.

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Ya except they are illegal in the NHL which i think is some what retaded

If it's illegal, than explain to me why the heck Ovechkin has been using it for de whole season.. jeez <_<

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Ya except they are illegal in the NHL which i think is some what retaded

If it's illegal, than explain to me why the heck Ovechkin has been using it for de whole season.. jeez <_<

he hasnt....hes been using a tinted or smoked visor not mirror

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Guest Muck

Not sure if this applies to hockey, but in the NFL you are able to wear one (despite the rules) with a doctor's "note." I don't understand why they'd be illegal in the NHL, though. In the NFL they are popularly outlawed due to the inability to see the player's eyes in a serious injury situation (namely neck). The hockey helmet obviously isn't constructed like a football helmet which is difficult to get on/off for medical personnel.

Didn't see anything in the rulebook:




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CIF (us highschool football ruling body) also banned the mirrored visor for the same reason, officials need to see a players eyes after big hits.. but muck is correct in that hockey helmets are totally easy to take off.

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I stand corrected. He is wearing a mirrored Oakley tonight. However that picture, if it wee mirrored, you shouldn't see through it. At least you couldn't do that with the Itech one.

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So is there any restrictions about it in the NHL or not? If he's wearing it, it's probly legal? Anyway, Ovechkin is gonna change the NHL :P

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I'll try to find out more about this but Oakley did not offer a mirrored version. My guess that him wearing it coincided with the whole CCM conference in MTL.

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Yeah he announced the winner of that nickname contest, the winner got a set of vector 10.0 gear (winning nick: Alexander the Gr8) and they also showed the new Vector gear if I recall correctly.

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