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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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slap shot

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So Im watching my friends play thats a age group younger then me. He stands in front of a shot but hes tilted slightly (not on purpose though).

The slap shot dents his chasis pretty good. He had to take a wheel out because it was dented so far in the wheel wouldnt move.

Is this a super hard shot? I thought it was, Ive never heard of something like this.

Its a roller puck too, so its alot softer. A rocket to be exact.

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I'd say it was pretty hard. Also might depend on the quality of the chassis.

On the same note, I saw a kid break a goalie's neck protector, those clear ones that dangle from the helmet, w/ a roller puck. IDS puck though I think.

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I broke the glass with a slapper once while playing inline. Not really relevant, I just wanted to brag. These things happen when I come home drunk after a game.

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my chassis got dented as well... took a slapper and it just got dented in... wasnt exactly a huge shot either.

Problem i had was trying to convince the LHS that it was done during a hockey game. He said that with the amount of scuffing, i had been using them to do grinds and all that freestyle stuff.. i mean, come on, would anyone buy hockey skates to do that???

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IDS pucks actually hit harder than Ice pucks.

Weight is lighter but the surface is stiffer.

Played some Roller with an old ECHL goalie last winter, and during warm-ups I made a huge dent in his helmet with a slapper. It was the first major dent ever on the helmet, and he's used it for pro-icehockey for several years.

Kinda like the Aluminum bats beeing lighter but illegal for MLB. Because they hit harder and longer.

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i got hit in the face cage with a slapper from a guy at pickup, he played pro roller but it caved in almost o my nose. it was an ids puck with a zleader cage. almost knocked me over. As far as the chassis denting, ive seen it a few times noting to special

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I remember the first set of hi-los from pretty much every company would dent like crazy on shots, it's calmed down over the years though.

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well last year in inline i took a shot to the chassis and they cracked, not bent but cracked. and on a similar note i have chipped a goalies collar bone, its not because the shots hard but where it hits.

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