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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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cell phone advice?

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i am looking for a new cell phone, i have cingular and i can upgrade my phone, now i gotta re-up with a 2 yr contract which sucks. i dont wana spend a lot of cash, $50-100max. i had a V600 but i was rough with it i.e. dropped it a ton, and it was messed up, basically the flip part would not close completely. i can get a razor for $50, which seems like a good deal but its a flip phone so i am worried (see V600 issues above) i like the sliver L7 but its expensive, any suggestions on a phone?

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I love my Sony Ericsson W600i, but it's probably going to cost more than $50. I would stick with the brand you're using now so you don't have to buy all new accessories.

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I have both a RAZR and SLVR, I prefer the RAZR just because IMO it looks better though they both function pretty much the same (other than iTunes on the SLVR).

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if you want to check out a forum deticated to cell phones(obviously best place to ask questions) check out allwirelesstalk.com(I'm third_i)

I personally don't like the razr, but I prefer flip phones. My advise is to do some research and get the best phone for your money. Remember the razr is already 2 years old, so in another year your technology will be 3 years old and you'll still have another year before an upgrade(remember that cell phone technology is finally advancing as fast as computers). But that's just my opinion.

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i have had over 30 phones in the past 5 years. I am very picky with my cell phones. I would suggest reading up on www.mobileburn.com, it is a great site. Personally, I HATE Motorola phones, I think their GUI BLOWS and their phones are just poorly made. I prefer Nokia and Sony phones. Which one? Wow, it matters what you want...

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main reasons for the phone is social. i dont need email or web capabilities ( i am not gonna pay the monthly fee so no use) i like camera/video features. i dont mind flip phones but i would need a durable one. i like sliver but the price is kinda high. i like something that isnt too bulky and has actual song ringtones (i.e. i can play the actual song etc)

thanks for all your help, any more advice?

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motorola offers "motorola phone tools" which allows you to connect your phone to your computer and put on free(if you have the song) ringtones. You're going to want to find a phone that has a decent amount of memory as mp3 ringtones take more space than traditional ringtones. The razr only has 6mb(i think), that's enought for about 25 ringtones(minus stock files and the OS that take up space)

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you can get a slvr for 200 bucks with a 2 year contract. You arent going to get too far with 100 bucks... but... I do have an idea... For about 110 bucks off ebay, you can get a Motorola V80. It is an old phone, about 4 years old... but it is still a cool phone, and has more technology than most phones out today. It has a vga camera (same as razr and slvr), it has bluetooth, and is pretty small. It swivels open, which is cool, and it has these cool light effects when somebody calls. I have used it before, and as much as I hate Motorolas GUI and phone qualty, its not that bad of a phone, one of the best motorollas I have used. http://www.phonescoop.com/phones/phone.php?p=465 here is a link for a review of the phone. Just look on ebay for Motorola v80 and you will find it

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iphone... wait

Another vote for this.

This is one of the only phones I would pay full retail price for.

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A little off-topic, but:

Apple is being sued by Cisco Systems Inc. for calling their new phone iPhone.

But I agree, whatever it's going to be called, it will be amazing. Too bad it won't be out until June.

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