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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Similar blade pattern

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I'm looking for a new OPS seeing as mine is on it's last legs. I love it, but it's getting time.

What is the closest blade pattern to a Hespeler Smyth one? I have the Alpha Nemisis right now, BEST STICK EVER, but like I said I'm in the market for a new one.

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The Inno Hull retail was the same but I don't recall ever seeing one for sale. If you're LH, look for Roberts or Nieuwendyk pro blades. If not, the Christian #4 composite or Fury 25/K Primeau are kinda close.

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Yeah Im a canuck of course Im LH.

Okay, I'll look for a Roberts or Nieuwendyk pattern.

Which companies make those?

Any brand, Pro. They may be hard to find though.

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I would probably be better off and do what my one teammate did. She just bought a stick that she liked. The pattern was a bit off, but she still plays with both off them.

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I'm going to cry when my baby dies.

Our team is a walking ad for Reebok sticks, but all the ones I've checked out have been really stiff.

I want one with nice whip to it.

Whoo my 100th post. And to think, it would be at work. :rolleyes:

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You could always hack off the blade and have some customs made up. Pop the blades into a tapered shaft and you're in good shape.

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they have some lh true ones on hockeyoutlet.com in roberts curves


As soon as I get some $$$ I'm gonna order some. Any comments on which shaft I should go for?

Some nice and whippy for a girl, about 5'7, 140 ish lbs.

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they have some lh true ones on hockeyoutlet.com in roberts curves


As soon as I get some $$$ I'm gonna order some. Any comments on which shaft I should go for?

Some nice and whippy for a girl, about 5'7, 140 ish lbs.

go int. if they are out of the true1 when you got order look at warrior's symth pattern. don't know if ti is the same seeing as inno made the hespler composites.

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I am not too sure about Roberts and Nieuwendyk pro patterns. They are two completely different curves at least when they were with the Maple Leafs. Nieuwendyk is a toe curve and Roberts is a heel curve.


It's very similar to Nieuwendyke's old curve and Roberts used the "Smyth retail" for a while.

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Nieuwendyke's curve don't know if it new or old. but it is retail. cosmetic blem from inno marked as winwell. the black tape is covering up my name. i like to put my name on my blades.




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That looks exactly like the blade from my Nemesis Alpha that I'm holding in my hand right now.

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