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Jofa SG 8090 Shin Pads

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Hey all-I was at stick time today and the shop in the rink is having a blow out sale

I scoped out a pair of Jofa 8090 Shins for 50 bucks and was wondering if they are worth it?

Anyone have experience with these?

How would they they compare to my old Jofa 3175's

Thanks and GAME ON!!!!

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Great pads. They are a bit bulky but you'll never feel a shot off of them and you'll have them for a very long time. Once again GREAT PADS!

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They are big fuckers. It took me a skate or two to get used to them, but they have never interfered with my skating and as stated above, you just dont feel any shots off of them. Nice flat ridge for recovering from knee drops too.

Great shins.

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I did notice the extra beef to them and was curious about the adjustment period-The skinny of the 3175's were always to my likeing but if the protection is a lot more it is probably worth it

Ya'll think $50 U.S. is fair for them?

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I used 6090s for a long time and then switched to 8090s when it was time to get new pads. Another vote for greatest shinpad I can imagine...if I found them on $50 closeout I'd buy a couple pair to last the rest of my hockey life.

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Mine lasted a little over a year before they cracked over one of the knees on one leg. Mindful I was just learning to skate and am a big guy who fell on his knees alot. There were a few times when I'd take a slapper in the shin and barely feel it. I loved telling the shooter that it was nothing and didn't leave a mark. I ended up getting RBK 8k's for a replacement since the local shop had already sold out of all their old Jofas.

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I shant be a Bogart

The pro shop at the Promenade Ice arena in Westminster CO-I think the only other 8090 was a 14"

They did have some 8040's on sale though I dont know what the price is.

I went ahead and snagged them up-I really like the protection as far as knee hyperextension

Are these supposed to have a built in strap to them or back to tape I go????

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