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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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what do you wear !

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i wear roller hockey pants, shinpads, gloves, and helmet. even in physical leagues, you don't need any elbow pads/girdle/etc.

Are you kidding me...No Elbow pads????? That would be one of the last pieces of gear I would not want to play without...

I used to skip wearing a girdle, but since I created the Throax, I wear one all the time...Can't even tell it is there.....

Those who skip wearing girdles, elbows, etc, just wait...One day you are going to fall and get a hip pointer, chipped bone, or broken hip/elbow...Will it have been worth it?

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LOL I had a teammate in college who wore one rollerblade-style elbow pad. He was a left shot and he wore it on his right arm. One day after practice I asked him why only one. He said "It's the only side I fall on." And sure enough, he was right.

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i'm sure as i get older, i'l get more fragile :)

maybe if i start playing high-level hockey again, i'l use the girlde too... Never wore elbow pads (although I've known guys who never wore cups, and I never thought that to be a good reason to continue not wearing one...) Plus I probably should throw one a cage, since I don't think I'm at that age where I can come in to work with 5 shades of black and blue on my face, hehe

On a side note, I have started playing Ice, and I do wear elbow pads and a girdle there..But that's mostly because I'm terrible at stopping on the ice, and I expect to fall often.

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For me its girdle, shins, pants, gloves and helmet. Haven't worn elbow pads for years because I've only been playing 'non-contact' roller and not wearing them hasn't caused a problem yet (except the occasional "WHAT? You don't wear elbow pads??") :P

I think I'm going back to playing ice at the end of the year and I'll wear elbows and shoulders then.

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I did not initially wear shoulderpads/chestguard for roller hockey until the last league i played in about 2 years ago. The reason was I began playing defense and was a shot blocker and I have blocked shots without the pads before and then thought about Pronger and also a story about a lacrosse player dying taking a shot to the chest, so I began using one. but then I was moved back up to offense in the middle of the season so i stopped wearing it.

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i wear roller hockey pants, shinpads, gloves, and helmet. even in physical leagues, you don't need any elbow pads/girdle/etc.

Are you kidding me...No Elbow pads????? That would be one of the last pieces of gear I would not want to play without...

I used to skip wearing a girdle, but since I created the Throax, I wear one all the time...Can't even tell it is there.....

Those who skip wearing girdles, elbows, etc, just wait...One day you are going to fall and get a hip pointer, chipped bone, or broken hip/elbow...Will it have been worth it?

I used to not wear elbow pads, and then one night I someone tried to hook my elbow and whacked my funny bone...needlesss to say I started wearing elbow pads. I use, shins, pants, cup, elbows, gloves, helmet w/cage, or when I play tournaments I wear a helmet w a visor and a mouthgard. I dont like wearing girdles because I hate the mobility restrictions. When I get the $ im gonna try the thorax, but until then, no girdle for me.

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I would never go without elbows,..I have never worn a girdle for inline..but am about to start...I like the Thorax, but shouldn't a girdle that has less padding than the traditional ones be less?? haha jk justin...

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Those who skip wearing girdles, elbows, etc, just wait...One day you are going to fall and get a hip pointer, chipped bone, or broken hip/elbow...Will it have been worth it?

I've been there. Didn't wear a girdle for the longest, took a fall on my hip, and spent weeks waiting for it to heal enough to skate without pain. With that said:

Mission Girdle w/cup, Mission gloves, elbow and shin pads, helmet w/ full cage, and Mission roller hockey pants.

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To me.......not wearing elbow pads is like not wearing a cup. All you guys that don't wear one are just plain stupid.

Girdles.......I will never wear one.......my hips have taken many beatings but I like the mobility more than I like my hips.

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Girdles.......I will never wear one.......my hips have taken many beatings but I like the mobility more than I like my hips.

Say that when you're 50. :D

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i wear roller hockey pants, shinpads, gloves, and helmet. even in physical leagues, you don't need any elbow pads/girdle/etc.

Are you kidding me...No Elbow pads????? That would be one of the last pieces of gear I would not want to play without...

Ditto, on that one, Justin.

When I skated for the first time after taking thirteen years off, I did fine for the entire public skate, until they called us off, whereupon I slipped and came smashing down on my elbow. Then I bought some cheap used elbow pads from Play It Again and fell during my first game; by the time my elbow hit the ice, the pad had already wiggled it's way off my elbow, so I smacked the same elbow HARD twice in a week or so.

If I hit it just right, that elbow still bothers me to this day -- fourteen years later.

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Wow by reading some of the posts here and knowing some players at my local rink, it amazes me how many players go without a cup and elbowpads.

I've always worn big ass shinpads (Jofa 8090s) and a CCM ice girdle for inline hockey and never felt like I've sacrificed mobility. The only thing I go without is shoulderpads.

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I'm not sure if its necessary to repeatedy call everyone who doesn't wear a girlde or shing pads "stupid." I think there's obviously two trains of thought on the issue, and one could easily argue that not wearing a full cage, neck-guard, mouthpiece, etc. is "stupid" as well. Obviously we don't all wear all the protection possible, and we are all playing the probabilities. When you take into account somone's age, weight, etc. the answers are going to be different for everyone. Not to mention the difference in mentality for a player coming from Ice Hockey as opposed to that of a player coming from Street Hockey.

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Well, as far as my two cents into the issue goes, I"m just gona say that I felt no pain when I was 17. When I fell down, I'd just bounce off the ground and keep chasing. Now that I'm 25 however, when I fall down, it hurts. I mean, it's not the fall, but the sudden stop, y'know?

Pretty much nowadays the only equipment that I don't wear to a PICK UP game is visor and a padded shirt. Pick-up games on good nights can look like sword fights where I play, but with good spirits and all. And even as my luck would have it, each time I think "eh, we're just goofin' around" and not wear my elbows, whoops, I bung my elbow doing something stupid like tripping over a little rock or something.

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From top to bottom - helmet with visor, elbows, gloves, Bilt Rite (wrap) girdle, shins. I've been wearing them for years and feel incomplete if I don't wear a particular pad. I haven't had any mobility issues using my girdle.

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