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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Just got the new 06 CNT STEALTH!

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I just got the new cnt stealth and it is pretty sweet. I got it with the blade broken. It was previusly used by Blake Wheeler of University of Minnisota and 20 and under USA. I put a tps adrenaline blade in it and it is sick. It feels alot better than the old stealth. (well at least with my adrenaline blade in it). I know people have been wondering about it so if you have any questions please feel free to post.

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I just got the new cnt stealth and it is pretty sweet. I got it with the blade broken. It was previusly used by Blake Wheeler of University of Minnisota and 20 and under USA. I put a tps adrenaline blade in it and it is sick. It feels alot better than the old stealth. (well at least with my adrenaline blade in it). I know people have been wondering about it so if you have any questions please feel free to post.

Do you work at Mariucci? How'd you manage to snag that without their equipment manager grabbing it first?

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That gets me thinking...OFFTOPIC:Whenever I go to a penguins game and somebody breaks a stick, I want to get catapulted over the glass to go get it :P

ONTOPIC: Well, at least the shaft is alright. Find out (if you can, somehow) how long the dude took to break it and get an idea of blade durability.

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Obviously Easton is doing something right to have so many more players using the CNT stealths than the older ones.

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I've been using the full one piece for about 2 weeks now. It's still strong and I love the stick and the heatley curve.

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I don't know if the CNT SL are out yet in USA, but my bro got a CNT SL grip at the LHS and he really likes it. The paint doesn't seem to chip at all, not broken yet...

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who cares if the whole NHL uses them, us normal people have to spend the 300$ every 2 weeks for the SL's.. :rolleyes: but not anymore! lol.. the blades on the easton SLs are horrid :blink:

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I just got the new cnt stealth and it is pretty sweet. I got it with the blade broken.
It feels alot better than the old stealth. (well at least with my adrenaline blade in it

Since the new CNT Stealth is just the same stealth shaft with a new blade really the only reason it would feel better than the old stealth would be the adrenaline blade in your '"new" CNT stealth shaft

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Heatley Curve, I've heard its like the Lindros? is that right?It's not in the Pattern DB so, I'm just wondering.

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Correct JR, and it's money :D

The blades on both the stealth and the SL are different than last year. I guess i could describe the insides of the blade as the CNT technology being denser than the previous models. Ryan had cutouts of the blades at the presentation that showed quite a difference in the blades.

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Honestly how can there be any amount of Carbon Nanotubes in this stick. They range from 200 to 900 dollars a gram. So if the stick is 200 dollars the amounts of carbon nano tubes must be extremely minimal.

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