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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nike Vapor gloves?

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Vapor XV's with a nike logo. Like said above, they can be found @ CadTire.

Actually, they are Vapor X's with Nike branding on them. I have Vapor XV's and the Nike ones are different.

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canadian tire gloves.

:lol: you know they are crappy when canadian tire carries them.. it's like buying wal-mart computers.. :lol:

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Haha ditto, i live to see that day when argos are selling their own brand hockey gear

Can you really imagine an "Argos" logo on a CCM glove? EEERGH!

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Haha ditto, i live to see that day when argos are selling their own brand hockey gear

Can you really imagine an "Argos" logo on a CCM glove? EEERGH!


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