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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I think that if your a regular 14 inch glove you may would want the 15 inch. DS50 Can justify that for me, thats what he suggested for me. Or atleast if your used to a loose fitting glove such as Eagle.

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This glove is different than the one to hit retail soon. The palm and finger gussets in this glove are different. I noticed it right away looking at the pix. The palm is not split in certain areas allowing the stretch nylon/lycra to come through for better feel. The gray gussets on the fingers are also not retail. The retail gussets are also the stretch nylon/lycra which gives a much better feel between the fingers to the stick. These gussets are what everyone has on their gloves now. I cannot tell because the pix doesn't show if this ebay glove has the tradtional thumb tab(same as on Naslund SMU ONE90) or the retail stretch nylon/lycra thumb. IMO, this glove on ebay only gives you half the benefits of the ONE90 glove: the ultralight padding/protection on the back of the hand. The other half is the amazing comfort of the palm and fingers and how it works with the glove. This glove doesn't have that as the palm is different and the gussets are traditional, not the new ONE90 stretch nylon/lycra.

Caveat Emptor= let the buyer beware!

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where does it say they are 15"? if your wrong and they are either 13 or 14 they are SO MINE! B)

Q: Hi there, What size are these gloves? Secondly, they are navy in colour right? Thank you


A: 15 inch cuff, navy in color

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Have fun.. I bid $150, but after realzing that these are the ones that I want (I want retail palms, not new palms). They look nice, but the selling point for me is the formfit that dark was taking about.

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Bids are retractable, if these gloves are not exactly what you want. I think you have to retract a bid before there are less than 12 hours to go in the auction. There is no penalty for retracting a bid.

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I have to confess that those gloves look nice. I thought they were too lacrosse like before, but the colors on these bad boys make them look less fugly.

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Niko Dimitrakos of the Philadelphia Flyers is sporting a pair of black/white Nike Supreme One90 Gloves. It is probably one of the earlier models of the glove because the new Nike Bauer sign isn't on it.

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