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Composite blade tape

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I've never seen this before.. just wondering if anyone has used it and if its worth the extra $1? I currently use the regular black or white renfrew tape and I always retape after every game or every other game depending on how eaten up the tape is.. the thing is it always leaves all this residue on the blade and I have to wait till the next morning to let it dry (I take the tape off right after games usually) and then peel all the excess crap off. it gets old after awhile.. http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=CHT

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I might have to give this a shot, i end up retaping my stick twice in a training session, and sometimes in games each period. Just rips up on my ice

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Thats The Stuff!!

i bought this and it was the same price as the blue colored inside. and this holds up so much better, i can now go 2 training sessions without retaping as to when i had to do it every time.


i had the same problem until i tried this stuff.

renfrew isnt the best but we dont have the best selection over here, so this stuff will do

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I think Comp-o, Andover and Sports tape are all better than that and it's usually around the same price as regular Renfrew.

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If the issue is wanting your tape to last longer, try BladeSpray. It makes your tape last about 5 times longer. It water proofs it, plus you can use it to add texture, like stick wax but not gummy. Also keeps the tape from rolling or curling. It really works good. My wife tells me I shouldn't sell it cause I would make more money selling tape. :D One can treats about 10-14 applications.


As for tape, I've switched soley to Comp-O-Stik

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idk if this would help forwards but some of us goalies will apply wax on the blade and then melt it into the tape, makes the tape stronger.

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idk if this would help forwards but some of us goalies will apply wax on the blade and then melt it into the tape, makes the tape stronger.

If I wax my tape I can usually get a full game out of it, two if I'm really lucky. Without Mr Zogs, I'm lucky to get a period out of my tape.

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heh, i just found out about that stuff the other night...

found two rolls of white tape in a locker room - both were renfrew, one had the blue inside and one had the black inside. i didn't know what the difference was till i saw this thread.

anyways, i used the composite stuff and it seemed alright. I played two games and it was in pretty good shape considering. i think compostik does last me longer, but i left about 10 rolls of it in the car for too long and now it doesn't peel off the roll very easily :[

off the top of my head, i think i like em in this order.



renfrew black


renfrew blue

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I use wax.. actually I use snowboard wax, I've never used actually stick wax, I just figured they waterproof so its the same thing.. but unfortunately, every LHS or pro-shop at any of the rinks in my area only have renfrew.

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does anybody know where i can buy the comp-o-stik tape online? thanks

somebody said that the 'gear' brand tape at hockeygiant is actually compostik.

i have a buddy that works there but i'm not sure if he'd know...i'll see what i can find out for ya ;]

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I've never seen this before.. just wondering if anyone has used it and if its worth the extra $1? I currently use the regular black or white renfrew tape and I always retape after every game or every other game depending on how eaten up the tape is.. the thing is it always leaves all this residue on the blade and I have to wait till the next morning to let it dry (I take the tape off right after games usually) and then peel all the excess crap off. it gets old after awhile.. http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=CHT

I buy that stuff up here in Toronto, and I like it best out of regular Renfrew, or Comp-o-Stick. I find it stays on that extra bit I need it to, and sticks down harder then comp-o-stick, IMO making it easier to tape.

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Who is "world renowned tape expert" Theresa Benoit?

she spoke at a tape and adhesive expo i went to :P

In that case, let me know when she hits the East Coast. I'd love to check out one of her seminars!

Seriously though, she does have a pretty cool title.

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does anybody know where i can buy the comp-o-stik tape online? thanks

somebody said that the 'gear' brand tape at hockeygiant is actually compostik.

i have a buddy that works there but i'm not sure if he'd know...i'll see what i can find out for ya ;]

yeah i would appreciate it, thanks!

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Swing by the local home depot / lowes and pick up 3m friction tape in the electrical department. Better than, way better than... the renfro. Combine with wax, and it will last several skates. And cheap .. is less than $2 per roll.


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I used my friend's Renfrew Black and It help up about twice as long as normal Renfrew tape would. I always wax my tape, but I'm Jewish, so I use my mom's brocken candlesticks :D My coach uses easton wax, and he forgot it one day and used mine. Supposedly they worked the same :P

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I used my friend's Renfrew Black and It help up about twice as long as normal Renfrew tape would. I always wax my tape, but I'm Jewish, so I use my mom's brocken candlesticks :D My coach uses easton wax, and he forgot it one day and used mine. Supposedly they worked the same :P

Ive found that candle wax works the best for my sticks. I think most stick waxes are garbage

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