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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sweet Gloves

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The Pens sell equipment at every home game, mostly sticks, I just picked up a 110 Vector for $30 like new, they also had a bunch of gloves last night so he could have.

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The Pens sell equipment at every home game, mostly sticks, I just picked up a 110 Vector for $30 like new, they also had a bunch of gloves last night so he could have.

Is that an end of season price or did they finally get smart? I remember seeing $125 cracked synergys a couple years ago.

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All the sticks were usable, not last night but the game against the rangers, they had a ton of stuff a few pairs of skates, tons of 130s (Roy, Endicott, Surovy), Stealths (Surovy), Blue Synergys [sL?] (Gonchar), Sher-Wood (Thibault) and even more...

Some nights they had great stuff like the night against the Rangers they charged $60 other nights they charged $30 if it was slim pickings.

They wanted like $80 for a pair of Endicott's Grafs that looked brand new, but who wants to skate like Shane Endicott...

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All the sticks were usable, not last night but the game against the rangers, they had a ton of stuff a few pairs of skates, tons of 130s (Roy, Endicott, Surovy), Stealths (Surovy), Blue Synergys [sL?] (Gonchar), Sher-Wood (Thibault) and even more...

Some nights they had great stuff like the night against the Rangers they charged $60 other nights they charged $30 if it was slim pickings.

They wanted like $80 for a pair of Endicott's Grafs that looked brand new, but who wants to skate like Shane Endicott...

if the synergy was all blue, it is the 2006 non grip ST

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who knows if they really are pro stock mayber they just order them with a pros name and number on them and the clor scheme of his team

just a thought

sure, must be it. the odds arent big or anything.

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who knows if they really are pro stock mayber they just order them with a pros name and number on them and the clor scheme of his team

just a thought

sure, must be it. the odds arent big or anything.

Plus Ric Jackman's the first guy who pops into anyones mind.

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Because glove companies never make gloves for players to sway them, or the players themselves don't go test something?

That must be why there are different brands for one player's pro pattern when it comes to sticks, too. You guys are the real Bloodhound Gang, to hell with 3-2-1 Contact.

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Just because he isnt wearing them in one picture doesnt mean that they werent made for him

pros get stuff all the time whether they use it in games or not. Some try it in practices and dont like er so its gone.

like marc andre bergeron

my store got about 21 brand new sl grips with "bergeron" on the name plate.

did he use them in a game? not that i can remeber always been using a vector. maybe he just tried them out in a practice and didnt like them so the whole batch has to go.

Anyways ill stop now

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I know the Pens earlier this year had TPS Adrenaline Wood sticks with Lemieux's name on them and he only used CCM this year. Also had a pair of JOFA gloves with Roy on the cuff, but he's been using easton...

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Because glove companies never make gloves for players to sway them, or the players themselves don't go test something?

That must be why there are different brands for one player's pro pattern when it comes to sticks, too. You guys are the real Bloodhound Gang, to hell with 3-2-1 Contact.

I wasnt saying they were trying to "sway" him. I was just saying that maybe he wanted to try something different on his own

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That wasn't to you, your post came right before mine. That's a general statement because I'm sure companies go out and pimp their stuff to get a player to join. I would just want to see a player being shown MIA gloves then going "Wait, these are made where?"

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