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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I opened up a topic for bauer vapour 10's, and it dissapeared.

Im not selling the skates personally, im mearly trying to help other MSH users to help them find what they want.

If i was selling them id place the items under the relevant section.


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You know you couldn't post them in sale even if you wanted to.


Thanks for that.

Im in the UK anyway, i dont want to sell anything.

If that is the case why do people post links for ebay items?

I know people are 'discussing' items for sale, but that could encourage people to sell who are members.

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Actually, I wasn't the one who deleted your thread. Was it an ebay link or were you trying to post something in this forum for a friend? If it is the latter, it is a no-no.

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Thats ok, nothing personal mate.

It wasnt a link, i wasnt posting for a friend, or anybody i know.

I spend a lot of time here in the UK looking through this forum for tips, reviews, and information.

Keep up the good work, and whoever deleted my post, no harm was ever intended.


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put them in the sell section anyways.

Even if it is not yours thats what everyone else does.

I like your idea to help out other MSH users but not in the icehockey section, the sell section.

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put them in the sell section anyways.

Even if it is not yours thats what everyone else does.

I like your idea to help out other MSH users but not in the icehockey section, the sell section.

I wasnt selling anything !!!!!!!.


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If you have info, share it. Vague topics that offer no information and say "contact me" will be deleted.

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so what is this thread about.....if you have any places u know that still sell the old vapor 10 let me know cuz my current pair are just about done

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Right guys here is the information, i come across this website which is based in the UK which have the Bauer VApour 10's for sale in a new condition.

But after reading into the website further, they will only ship to places in the UK

I didnt want to originally post this link as i didnt know if it would be allowed, thats why i was originally been carefull into what i posted.

Vapour 10s For Sale From A UK Website

Have a look guys.

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Skate doctor you don't need a new sentence on every line.

Hey sorry. I just think it makes things look better and stand out so its easier to read.

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WOW! £259.00 where i live in the UK we have much lower prices than that

EDIT: But where i live Vector Pro's are £400 lol

Thats not nottingham by any chance?

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