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NHL 2004

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Nothing will beat the NHL '93 "pass it on net from straight on" goal or the the NHL '95 Jimmy Ryan Bitch Goal where you just crash the net and jam it in w/o shooting it.

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Nothing will beat the NHL '93 "pass it on net from straight on" goal or the the NHL '95 Jimmy Ryan Bitch Goal where you just crash the net and jam it in w/o shooting it.

iin 93 on snes when facing down, do a wrap around, goalie gets stuck on the post

p.s. to everybody that reads this, that isn't me in my avatar it's the weekly duster

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I hated having to use the analog stick on the PS2 version. I've been playing the game for more than a decade and probably played fewer games of '04 than any other year. Some good ideas but too many things that flat out suck.

I love using the analog stick to control the player because it makes smooth power turns and quick stop and goes.

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After using the other control system for more than 10 years, it's a radical change. There has to be a better way to implement the better control of the skater.

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I'm with Chadd on the controller, I'm just a fan of the old Genesis controls. I say they just upgrade the '94 or '95 engine with the new graphics, but I'm old skool like that.

Is that you in your avatar, YGlod? Looking good, Mr. Kott-air.

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Two things REALLY bothered me about NHL 2004.

First the freaking controls are about as sleek as a concrete block. It makes you feel like you're trying to control the game with cement gloves on, it's just sooo cumbersome and just downright goofy.. hold down pass button to pass, ok. Now to block a shot hold down the shift key and the poke check key and if you're lined up just right the player will try to block the shot. Otherwise he'll just stand there like a retard swinging his stick around while using an animation that takes him 5 seconds to recover.. :huh:

now this one REAAAAALLLY bugs me. NOBODY stays in freaking position.. got a defenseman? no you don't you've got a 6'5 240lbs slow as mud forward in EA. The defensemen jump into the play all the way back at your goal line and there's no way to get them back into position. They stay up in the forwards spot until they change lines... and most of the time BOTH of the fricking d-men jump up... The offensive/defensive AI in this game is just mind-numbing. Two on one break guy on the right passes to the guy on the left. The left guy looks to the right for a passback, all of a sudden the guy on the right (during a 2 on 1) peels off and goes back up to the blueline because the trailing D man is coming into the zone!!!! ARRGGHHHH Seriously the ai in 2004 is cludged... I really hope they fix it, it ruined the game.

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I agree Gekigangar.

I have played alot of 2004 and alot of 2003 plus many of the older versions. 2004 is a great arcade game, but if you are looking for a simulation this is not it. No one stays in position, setting up plays offensive or defensively is difficul, and the controls leave much to be desired.

I have read a couple articles about 2005 and so far it looks like a promising game. They have improved the controls and the D.

<irrelevantcomment>Madden 2005 is the game I am looking forward to the most though. 2004 was a great game, but they have definitely up'd the ante for 2005. </irrelevantcomment>

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I knew it was the duster but I was just goofing since he's mentioned it's not him in a few random posts.

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Nah, he said somewhere else it was a weekly duster he jacked off JHB.

That comment could easily be taken the wrong way.

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