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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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best non-tapered shaft for your $?

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Which non-tapered shaft would you recommend as a "best buy" and why?


I'm considering buying a non-tapered shaft (in a flex different from what I already have), but I don't want to drop $100+. The reason why I don't want to spend that much is because I already have 3 intact OPSs, 3 usable broken OPS shafts, and an aluminum. A few people recommended me the Nike Apollo in an earlier semi-related thread.

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Uh oh looking for the "best" can get you into trouble as so many factors come into play based on personal preferences.

Having said that, I'm a big fan of the Easton Ultra Light. It's a jack of all trades shaft that has stood the test of time. It's not the best at any one thing, but damn good at everything, including durability.

Good luck.

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Try and put up something in the buy section. There's a few different ways you can go, durability, performance, weight come to mind. Everyone will havea different opinion.

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I asked why to leave it up to the responder to mention his/her preferences.

Durability would definitely be something that I'd look for, being that I spend more time hooking and hacking than shooting.

How does the Ultra Lite compare to the Z-Bubble? I noticed the Z is lighter and only marginally more expensive. Based only on those two factors, it sounds like the Z would be the better way to go. Are there any other big differences b/w these two models?

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I asked why to leave it up to the responder to mention his/her preferences.

Durability would definitely be something that I'd look for, being that I spend more time hooking and hacking than shooting.

How does the Ultra Lite compare to the Z-Bubble?  I noticed the Z is lighter and only marginally more expensive.  Based only on those two factors, it sounds like the Z would be the better way to go.  Are there any other big differences b/w these two models?

if you spend more time "hooking and hacking" why not just save money and use woodies? Or even low end shafts? Much easier on the wallet.

For the stated purpose, there's no value lost.

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I'd have to agree on the ultra lite. That thing is a tank and it'll last for so long. Although it's not as good performance wise as some other sticks on the market, it's still up there and if you insert a nice blade that'll balance it out, you've got yourself a money stick.

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I'd have to agree on the ultra lite. That thing is a tank and it'll last for so long. Although it's not as good performance wise as some other sticks on the market, it's still up there and if you insert a nice blade that'll balance it out, you've got yourself a money stick.

Yup - Great Shaft

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I got a Zbubble and although people have claimed that its like a toothpick, mines held the test of time and it takes a quite a beating. So, durability for me was good.

same for me.. I have a z-bubble with an ultralite blade in it.. thing is has lasted 3 seasons while being in rotation with about 3 other sticks and still going strong.

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if you spend more time "hooking and hacking" why not just save money and use woodies? Or even low end shafts? Much easier on the wallet.

For the stated purpose, there's no value lost.

I read in a news article that composites are either 8 times more durable or last 8 times longer than wood sticks. Assuming that that's true, it might still be more economical to go with composite since they don't cost 8 times more than woodies.

I'm actually not a very high frequency stick breaker. In about 2.5 years I've only broken 2 OPS, one at the blade and one across the shaft (I was chopping down on a guy's stick and mine split in two). I'm just interested in durability b/c nobody like breaking a $150 stick after 40 days of use.

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Uh oh looking for the "best" can get you into trouble as so many factors come into play based on personal preferences.

Having said that, I'm a big fan of the Easton Ultra Light. It's a jack of all trades shaft that has stood the test of time. It's not the best at any one thing, but damn good at everything, including durability.

Good luck.

i have tryed a lot of shafts some were lighter than the ultra lites some got a better flex some had a better shaft form, but not one was lasting so long. i started with the original ultra lites, the brown ones and can tell you that i was always absolutely going perfect with those sticks, sure i am very used now ( i am playing the actual ul´s 100 Flex) but for me there´s nothing else. i tried the z-bubble, even that i heard a lot of bad things about the durability. the z-bubble shaft isn´t bad too even the durability is still good (knock on wood) but for my bigfoot hands it´s just a teethpick, the other thing is this shaft is also a 100 flex like i am used to but it doesn´t even feel as hard as the ultra lites, but what i ve been reading here, the most guys like it little bit more whippy, so the z-bubble wouldn´t be a bad choice if you like the feel... <_<

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