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9 or 8 ft profile

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The other thread about radious length got me thinking as I am about to get my skates profiled. I have very small feet. I wear a size 5 skate. I way about 170 though. I was wondering if I should be going with a 9 foot or should I be going with a * because my skates are so small. I understand a 9 fott is a 9 foot but it seems the ratio would be different. I am not sure if it even makes a difference. I know the guy that does the profiling for me said that alot of people that go with the 8 say they feel sort of tippy back and forth if that makes sense. Any help from the skate experts here would be greatly appreciated.

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You seem to understand correctly that the radius is proportunate to blade size. A smaller radius will be used on smaller size skates than larger ones. Depending on your skating style and ability, a 7 or 8' is more in line with a size 5 skate. You will not feel "tippy". However if you had a size 10 skate and put a 8' on it, yes, you could feel "tippy." That's prob what your profiling guy meant (I hope).

Weight has nothing to do with radius, that effects the hollow you use.

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I would still go with a 9 foot. I know alot guys with size 8-10 skates that use 11ft radius for the added stability and glide. I would always recommend that a person use a little longer radius rather than too short. That feeling of being tippy or back on your heels is terrible.

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I've always thought that it was a speed vs manoeuvrability tradeoff, to a certain extent. Also, I think taller players, and those with a higher centre of gravity, would need a longer radius.

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What's the stock radius on Graf Cobras? I had a size 11 705 and liked the longer radius.

Edited by flip12

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