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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My new Daoust 301s :)

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The innersoles were leather, not plastic. Your sweat will cause the leather to dry hard, crack, and rot. Always pull out the footbeds after skating to dry the boots completely. Don't bother with T-blades because drilling more holes can speed up the process of the inner sole breaking down. Daoust 301 were #1 sellers in my old shop during the 80s. They were incredibly comfortable LEATHER skates.

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Those of you that have Doust's, whats the sizing like (are they comparable to ccm, mission, bauer sizing)?

bauer 9 = daoust 9.5

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whats so good about them?

The quality workmanship and materials was just so good on these skates that there just wasn't anything better. The differences were subtle, but man they just felt awesome. If you see someone in a pair, ask if you can take a look and just examine the stitching of the seams both inside and outside the boot. Then feel the thickness of the felt on the tounges and the substance of the leather on the tounges.

These were the Mercedes Benz of skates...I still have a pair that I'll wear sometimes when I'm running double practices because I know my feet will feel great the whole time. I'm hoping my 13 yr. old will grow to appreciate hockey history so I can show him skates like these and my Dad's old kangaroo skin CCM Tackaberry's and he'll know that great players and gear existed before 2005.

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Hmm I wonder how T-blades would look on these :) I dont think anyone else would anything remotely similar.


what about the org clear tuuks. i loved those holders. i think rebilliion had them for awhile.

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They really are incredible skates. I wish to hell they fit me, but at least I know the pair I'm passing on will last for decades to come.

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My 501s, size 6, E width




Tuuk Titanium runners


All leather stamped in Made in Canada, L foam ankle padding, pressed board innersole


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Hmm I wonder how T-blades would look on these :) I dont think anyone else would anything remotely similar.


what about the org clear tuuks. i loved those holders. i think rebilliion had them for awhile.

better yet, how bout some Torspo Pika holders hehe.

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Daoust skates ruined me for life/sarcasm.

In my 301s I had more mobility and blance than I have ever enjoyed - ever.

One other thing that was a real difference wiht them compared to todys skates is that they were very low cut skates. Skates today go so far up on top of your anke that they really diminish a players ankle mobility.

So to go along with my problem with today's overly stiff skates that are cut too hig, I also have developed some arthritc issues with my feet and that even makes finding a skate I like even harder.

I still have a pair of very old (25 yers) 301s in my basement (with clear blades) but I'm not sure if after this long they would be all that durable and would even last very long if I ttempted to get them going going.

Besides, if I did then I would be back to where I am wishing I could find replacements pair but knowing I most likely couldn't.

Why the hell doesn't someone build a leather skate like this?

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Here is my contribution to this forum.

Here is my treasure=>501 Bi-structurel/titanium and as would say our friend "Bucko"...a sacrilège

H64, the frenchie.009.jpgth_084.jpg

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Thanks guys, i had some difficulties to find these skates and i wanted they're emphasized as high as the myth wich they embody in my idea!

=>(the translator translate and i dont undestand all, sorry for mistake of language)

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I came across a brand new immaculately preserved pair of Daoust 301's that I hoped would fit me but they are too big. I was bummed. They are size 8's if anybody can use them, let me know before I put them on ebay.

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Lord those roller blades are awesome. I just converted my graf 705s and I am way faster and agile int hose than the bauer xr4 fully composite boot. To the poster earlier who pointed out that the boots today are to stiff and high up the ankle you are right. These daoust are great skates and would take a bit more conditioning to use but if you are a real ankle skater you will be one very artistic skater in this kind of skate. You really have to know how to skate in these. Im going back to my Graf 705 just waiting on a good deal and once I get them back I will be a better skater again instantly, not that Im so bad now but I know I can cut more agressively and have better foot and hand control as a result of these skates. What size are those rollers and are you selling them lol

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To skates89, i don't know exactly what you mean, i suppose that you talk about the incomparable confort(my english and the translater don't help me really), the size of these is 10 EA and i am not selling them...i love them, i have many difficulties to catch them, it's my treasure, sorry my friend!

What is your size...

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Just finished watching the 87 Canada Cup on TSN this week, was amazed at how many players were wearing Daoust, guessing mostly 501s by 87 though. Had two pairs when I was a kid, great skates but they both broke down in the heel/ankle fairly quickly.

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