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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Should I use a new stick more...?

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This may be sort of a stupid question.. I'm one of those people that has a few sticks in rotation that I usually use, adn I just got a brand new Vapor XXX on sale at hockeygiant.. and it just occured to me that I should use this more than my other sticks because if its going to break, it should break while still on warranty? after the warranty period, I can set it back into rotation with my other sticks (I usually choose the one that feels lucky at the time)..

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i've had cracks on my R2 shaft as early as the 10th day since i've used it. 14months later its still intact.

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I mentioned IF I mean if you see cracks on the shaft are you just gonna say its just cosmetic stuff?

At that point you contact the company and explain your situation. They will tell you what to do if it's "broken" in thier eyes. If not deal with it, there is no reason to intentionally break any stick.

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looks like this has been figured out..how much was it if it was a good deal?

How freaking lazy are you? He said Hockey giant and Vapor XXX, it doesn't tkae a rocket surgeon to figure it out.

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yeah.. good point all.. anyways, I used it tonight, fantastic stick, warranty or not, this ones a keeper! got it for $109 over the weekend, looks like they're still on sale.. they must be trying to clear them out or something.

JR I play 3 times a week, justified or not, I like this stick and I'm glad I bought it.

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I'm sure all sticks have a manufacturer warranty. Some hockey sites state that clearance items are final sale only, however the vapor xxx is not clearance on HG, it's a weekly special. Still waiting for mine to come in on May 1st :-\

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