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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quality of Mission Hockey?

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As mentioned in another topic, I'm in china.

I ordered a pair of mission s500 skates on internet, hockeygiant.com, Feb. 21.

hockeygiant had them shipped to my friend's house and my friend came to china on Mar. 14.

when my friend arrived my city and I had my skates in my hands it's Apr. 7.

I skated only 5 times on these skates, but it's already broken, the tendon guard is ripping. Both sides on both skats, not slightly, very terrible ripping.

What should I do? I payed a whole month salary on these skates. And of course I do not have friends come and go between china and america every day.

please give me some advice.





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IT is a problem that they had on the first run of skates. They later changed the material. Go to a shoe-repair type place and just get it patched up.

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IT is a problem that they had on the first run of skates. They later changed the material. Go to a shoe-repair type place and just get it patched up.

i have the same problem and i can't find the batch your talking about with the other material...

I havent gone to anything else because i have flat feet and these skates don't hurt as much....

waithing on review from fuel ag

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IT is a problem that they had on the first run of skates.  They later changed the material.  Go to a shoe-repair type place and just get it patched up.

i have the same problem and i can't find the batch your talking about with the other material...

I havent gone to anything else because i have flat feet and these skates don't hurt as much....

waithing on review from fuel ag

I have more problems with my Fuel AGs than my S500s.

It's a minor problem with the S500s that has been addressed several times and I've posted pics of my repaired S500s at least three times. None of the skates that we got to sell last year had the material replaced and even my custom S500s that shipped very late last year still does not have synthetic leather.

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The synthetic leather on that is the same thing they used on the HE950 roller hockey skates. It bends, creases and rips. I just don't think its durable enough for hockey skates...

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IT is a problem that they had on the first run of skates.  They later changed the material.  Go to a shoe-repair type place and just get it patched up.

i have the same problem and i can't find the batch your talking about with the other material...

I havent gone to anything else because i have flat feet and these skates don't hurt as much....

waithing on review from fuel ag

I have more problems with my Fuel AGs than my S500s.

It's a minor problem with the S500s that has been addressed several times and I've posted pics of my repaired S500s at least three times. None of the skates that we got to sell last year had the material replaced and even my custom S500s that shipped very late last year still does not have synthetic leather.

They didn't? Mine did. Weird.

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IT is a problem that they had on the first run of skates.  They later changed the material.  Go to a shoe-repair type place and just get it patched up.

i have the same problem and i can't find the batch your talking about with the other material...

I havent gone to anything else because i have flat feet and these skates don't hurt as much....

waithing on review from fuel ag

I have more problems with my Fuel AGs than my S500s.

It's a minor problem with the S500s that has been addressed several times and I've posted pics of my repaired S500s at least three times. None of the skates that we got to sell last year had the material replaced and even my custom S500s that shipped very late last year still does not have synthetic leather.

They didn't? Mine did. Weird.

The customs are holding up much better than the ones I had to have repaired. The most comfortable skates that I've ever owned.

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domileafs28 Posted on Apr 30 2006, 03:07 PM

i think mission is great... i bought a $20 pair of mission L3 gloves, they are the base model, but i love them... you cant tear them up

I bought a $28 pair of L1s, a little more base, but they're really lite and move more than more protective, more expensive models. I did lose one of the padded squares in the finger though, it must have gotten sliced by a skate or something. It's on the right hand pinky finger, top piece of foam is gone and the fake leather just dangles, but they feel good. Also got s400 skates that I'm finally gonna get to try on Thursday!

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I have been using mission for 5 years and I have never had any major quality issues. Not a one now that I think about it... I have owned just about all levels of their products from matrix gloves to m-1 pros, from proto vi's to pure flys, never had any major problems...

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thanks for these input.

Can anyone told me where can i find a phone No. or a email address of mission customer service department??

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About the tearing and customs, I've noticed players like Marty Sertich and Keith Ballard for instance, had s500s with the weirder tendon guard like Mission had on the PureFlys. I noticed the change in tendon guard from PureFly to s500 in the product review, but I wondered gow did this feel compared to the new tendon guard? Why did they change it if some pros prefer the old one?

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i think mission is great... i bought a $20 pair of mission L3 gloves, they are the base model, but i love them... you cant tear them up

you're lucky. my m3 gloves had a piece come off in less than a season... :(

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What about the S400 skates? Do they have the same issues with the tendon guards as the S500 skates?



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