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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate baking on RBK 9k

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I've heard that people have had issues baking the rbk 9k skates. My friend just bought a pair and he was thinking of getting them baked.

I've heard that if the skates are heated too much the pump can break. And if you bake them you have to wait 24 hours before pumping them up or the pump mechanism might fail. Anyone have any experience with baking the 9k?

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Baked mine at home in my oven,I had a whole week untill my I had any hockey so the skates had plenty of time to rest.I dont notice anything wrong with the skates after a month and the pump works fine.

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Jeeeze, doesn't anyone buy their skates at a LHS, or at a LHS that knows how to correctly heat mold? How many times do we have to suffer through this topic?

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Sorry to bump this thread but I didnt want to waste time starting a new one. :)

my question is... you put them in for 4mins but at what temperature?


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I was told that baking the 5K and 9K skates was not the best thing to do. Heating the boot loosens the epoxy or whatever compound they use to seal the blatter system. Ive returned a few pairs of pumps and CS at Rbk always asks if we baked the skates. Some customers still wish to have it done, and like JR said when we do bake them we tell the customers not to inflate the pump what so ever.

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Just to update my friend(actually the 5 or so friends I have with 9Ks have never baked their skates.

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I got my 9K's in December. I skated in them for about a week and a half, and couldn't soften them up to my liking so I had them baked at my lhs.... put them on, no pump- and they've been fine so far, no issues.

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I've baked mine 3 times, never had any problems what so ever.

But dont complain afterwards when there ARE some. Just saying.

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I baked mine at the LHS, after fighting with them that I could. No problems what so ever.


I've just read your (great) review on them! Since you have skated in both the Vectors and the RBK's, and have a narrow heel, which of the two has the tightest heel grip in your opinion? I've heard may people claim that the RBK's are wider in the midfoot (for sure) as well as the heel and of course a bit deeper fitting.

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Good one Fredrik, I was wondering that myself. Also T-Girl, could you also compare the toe box /fore foot widths of the two skates. Thanks, and great review!

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