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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fun song

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So I was listening to the the radio and heard a song I hadn't heard before. It turns out it was a free download so I grabbed it to share. You can listen to it here.


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WOW, you got THAT for FREE?!

Yes it was free. The band is The Vandals. That song was from a movie call Glory Daze which I had never heard of. Since they never put the song on any albums they offer it for free download from their website. Long live the Orange County bands. You can right click on the link and save it for yourself. There is another song, by a different band, called Hockey Hair that is pretty funny. Of course, I can not remember who did it. I want to say it was Mary Prankster but that isn't right. I will find out.

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The vandals are an amazing band... good old fashioned punk rock. There are a few songs out there that are better (not by much).. one is about a farm boy who becomes a goon cuz he cant skate worth beans.. I forgot what its called, something like "hit somebody"..

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