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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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anybody check out the ccm promo? free 110 or 120 with the vecto pros, 7.0, zg130, or zg120. not too bad of a deal.

or the m1, l2, or m2 with the mission s500's, 400's, 300's?

it seems like companies are coming out with better deals everyday. id rather either of these over the easton sicore grip deal due to the greater variety n selection

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Deadlines are:

June 1-15 for Mission,

June 1-30 for Easton.

June 1 to July 15 for Mission

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There is also an entry form on the Mission website to enter a draw for an L2 Stick. I can't see myself spending that kind of money on a stick, but I'll gladly play with one if I get it for nothing...


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you are correct kosydar. That is just hockey giant trying to get rid of excess tfg's. The promo was for a couple of the inline skates as well as the xx xv and x i believe, now its just the inline skates.

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I'd be suprised to see Bauer run a promotional deal. They don't need too, considering the success of the vapor and supreme skate lines.

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I'd be suprised to see Bauer run a promotional deal. They don't need too, considering the success of the vapor and supreme skate lines.

Exactly the Vapors have already been out for like 18 monthes and are more less established as the most popular line of skates(at least where I play) while CCM and Mission are introducing new products and need to give people incentive to try/buy them.

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Actually, I could see Bauer running a promo for their 8090 skates since they don't seem to be selling as well as their Vapor XX skates. Maybe people are staying away from them b/c of the problems Bauer had with their Supreme Classic Golds. I doubt that they will have a promotion, but I would think that a promo on the 8090s is probably more likely than one on the Vapor XXs. I wouldn't be surprised by a Nike promo though since they did one about a year ago with their Apollo sticks.

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What problems did bauer have with the Supreme Golds? I just bought a set and converted them for roller hockey and they seem like great skates, can you fill me in?

Thanks, Fred.

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There wasn't anything wrong with the classic golds. People just didn't buy into the whole classic fit/feel/durability thing. That just shows how a large part of the skate market is geared towards weight and performance.

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I know several people who bought the classic gold and silver models. They're great skates but Bauer didn't want to invest the time and money into developing what would be a third line of skates in addition to the Vapor and Supreme lines. Sales weren't great in the first year and it would not have generated as much profit as the other lines.

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Well, the biggest problem I found with the Classic Golds was the weight of the skates. I bought them after wearing Micron Air 90s for about 5 years and felt as if I had actually stepped backwards in the technology department. I guess that's what was Classic about them. Other problems I had with them were misaligned blades and a horrible break-in period. They were probably the worst skates I have ever had the displeasure of trying to break in.

I think what ultimately did them in was the fact that the Vapor XX skates came out at the same time and nobody could justify buying the Golds over the Vapors. The Vapors were on a completely different level than the Golds were and the sales numbers showed it. I know that the Vapors are supposed to be for a completely different type of player but people probably couldn't even find a good reason to buy the Golds over the Supreme 8000s or 6000s either. If I hadn't been offered such a great deal on them when they first came out I wouldn't have bought them. They did teach me a valuable lesson about how not to buy skates though so I guess I did get something out of them:D

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you are correct kosydar. That is just hockey giant trying to get rid of excess tfg's. The promo was for a couple of the inline skates as well as the xx xv and x i believe, now its just the inline skates.

Funny, I asked my Bauer rep and he was told that Bauer gave Hockeygiant the sticks.

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Wow! My skates have been great so far, being very comfortable except maybe for a couple of skates, and even then it wasn't unbearable. I've had them for about a month now and all I've had to do was put some protectoe on the sides since they get scraped up playing roller hockey. I agree, the weight of these skates is nothing to brag about, but then again I don't know how much of a difference it would make. I bought these after making the mistake of buying a pair of Bauer Supreme Composite boots which were way too soft for me, and I was in a hurry so I bolted the chassis on by myself. After maybe a month and a half the chassis started shifting, so I had to ditch them. Anyways, thanks for all the info, that is some really interesting stuff.

Catch you all later, Fred.

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