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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need help making a decision on skates

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Keep in mind I have not been able to try these skates on. I have a very high arch, and my foot is kind of wide. Im intersted in:

Mission S500- dont know if these are good for high arches

Bauer 8090

Easton 1300c

Vector Pro

I will most likely go with what are the cheapest pair, but I will definitly take everyones opinion into consideration. Im assuming all of these skates are on par with eachother. Im looking in the $200-$300 range.

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Try them all on in different sizes (try D and E widths as well) and then pick the pair that feels the best on your feet. They're all top end skates.

Some people have indicated problems with the Synergys - specifically ankles bleeding so you should be aware of that. The 8090 receives rave reviews, but some people do have to get heel lifts or custome profiles in those as apparently the stock skates can make you feel like you're back on your heels. I also know a few people with 8090s who've had problems with the steel breaking. The S500s are known to have tendon guard issues (the tendon guard can tear after a while), but that's a cheap and easy fix and Mission is great with Warranty issues.

Personally, between those skates I'd probably go with whatever fit better between the S500s and the Vector Pros, but that's just personal preference. You should go with what fits your foot.

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Stiff skates arent always the best skates

And as far as the blade issue with the 8090's they fixed the steel and if you get them with LS2 they deffinatly wont have the faulty steel the first lot of 8090's had

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I have worn both the 1300 C and I now wear the 8090

The 1300C was a very stiff skate, due to the inability to bake this skate, either it fits or it doesn't, It will not mold much with your foot due to the amount of composite in it.

The 8090 is an amazing skate, I put a pair of Shock doctor footbeds in mine and it really helped define the arch. One of my team mates tried XXX first and hated them, he bought 8090's and loves them also.

I did have the LS1 holder and steel , I did switch to the LS2 holder and steel due to the steel breaking and the bolt twisting, but for the 20.00 for Shock Doctor footbeds, it made a huge difference.

Warning on the footbeds, they will rase your foot a bit, they are thicker than the old foot beds so be careful with the size

good luck

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Good stuff, thanks guys. I dont have a large selection of skates to physically try on where i am located. I have a game today so i will try to get there early before the pro shop closes.

Im leaning toward 8090, but havnt been able to try a pair that fit.

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Good stuff, thanks guys. I dont have a large selection of skates to physically try on where i am located. I have a game today so i will try to get there early before the pro shop closes.

Im leaning toward 8090, but havnt been able to try a pair that fit.

Good luck, they're open about 3 hours a day during this time of year and if your game is at West, you're totally out of luck.

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id say go for the vector pro

If you go with the Vector pro's , just watch the top eyelets , they will break on you for sure, I have yet to see a pair that have not broken.

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I've only seen them break on people who pull straight up when lacing skates.

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I've only seen them break on people who pull straight up when lacing skates.

Yeah true, I had not seen any of these people actually tie up there skates. They were all girls on the team I work for.

I don't recall do they have eyelet protectors on the top holes ?

Dispite the broken eyelet , they loved the skates :-)

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As always my advice is take your time. Try on what you're interested in and buy what suits you best. Fit is everything. I personally wear Reebok/CCM or Easton, in that order because they work for me, not because of what everyone else thinks I should wear. Their your feet so take care of them and wear what is most comfortable for you. ;)

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I wasnt able to try any skates on today but I did measure my feet for CCMs and Bauers. I should be wearing a 7 CCM but I currently wear an 8, it seems right because I have alot of toe room. My Baur size is 7.5 maybe an 8. I think I may just order some 8090's in 7.5. I really need new skates, I nearly killed myslef tonite going knee first into the boards, Im currently sitting here with my leg kicked up on my PC and an ice bag on my knee. I doubt ill be able to play for atleast a week. :(

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I've only seen them break on people who pull straight up when lacing skates.

Or when they really tug on them when heat molding. 99% of the time, that is the cause.

I have had zero top eyelets on any of my vectors pros come out, and only 1 or 2 on all other vector skates, and those were caused by the dad pulling too hard on a jr skate.

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