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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dolomite Shaft

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Well, I've heard a lot about the Dolomite OPS, but nothing about the tapered shaft. I'm looking to get one, and possibly pair it with a wood Synthesis, hybrid Synthesis, or a 7500 blade.

My question is: for those that have the tapered shaft, how is it? I'm looking to get an intermediate flex also. Thanks.


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I have a Dolimite OPS and also a Dolimite tapered shaft both are 85 flex.I cant tell you how the shaft compares to other shafts because this is the first 2 piece I have purchased.But I can tell you that the 2 piece and the OPS (in my opinion) Act and feel identical.I have used them equally over about 10 hours of ice time each.

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Which one do you use more? The shaft? or the OPS? I may go with the OPS, depends if the LHS I go to tomorrow has the Draper curve still.

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Which one do you use more? The shaft? or the OPS? I may go with the OPS, depends if the LHS I go to tomorrow has the Draper curve still.

Well right now the OPS is my favorite only because it was the first one I scored a goal with.

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have had the shaft for over a month. the feel is very much like my 1100. difference being the 1100 is a 260flex and the dolomite is 255flex. my dolomite is a pro spec shaft. both of which are much better than the synthesis i was using. it also has daul kick points. meaning you can use either blade option in it.

inno/warrior is truly the best shaft i have used.

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All right, I picked up a couple shafts for my brother and was wondering if anyone else thought these were ridiculously thin? They're 75 flex seniors but feel smaller than intermediates he's had.

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I think they are ridiculously thin. My 70 flex intermediate OPS is a lot thinner than any other Intermediate OPS I've used. The biggest difference is between the XN10 and this, I think.

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i have the dolomite shaft int, with a dolomite blade. i still have a stealth int. it is stiffer than tyhe stalth, but my shots are much harder, and i have a much better slap shot with it. the grip is nice too.

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Cant you heat up innos (and warriors for that matter) and take the blade out? If so....then one thinks that the shaft and the one piece are the same thing, just one hasnt had a blade put in it....


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Dolomite ownz !!

You are just useless, so let's try and change that.

What does that mean? Its is a great shaft and I don't think there is a better shaft out there overall, if you take durability and performance into account.

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Then state the reasons it "ownz" rather than saying that. That's why there are approvals needed for reviews.

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Then state the reasons it "ownz" rather than saying that.  That's why there are approvals needed for reviews.

I'm sorry sir

your as cool as a moist herpe, hit the showers plug.

i'm also wondering on the dolomite shaft as well, i have 20 some odd tapered blades, no shaft. is the 85 flex real flexy or feel like a 90-95ish?

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MissConduct posted in the "Perfect Stick Comparison" thread that the Starskie 85 flex was probably more similar to a Easton CNT 95 or something. She said she wanted to get a Starskie 75 and compare that to the Easton 85. So I'm thinking that Warrior's shafts are going to be a little stiffer that Easton.

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I have an 85 flex synergy OPS and z-bubble, and my 85 flex dolomite shaft feels stiffer than both of those. I really like my dolomite paired with a dolomite robitaille. I use it over my z-bubble paired with sherwood wood blades (was my favorite stick before I got the dolomite, but it's still new so the verdict is completely out). I am thinking about ordering some christian tapered wood blades as I usually prefer wood blades. I like the shape of the shaft and the grip. I also like that it is a little stiffer than my sometimes noodly feeling z-bubble.

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Got one last week but I've only used it once so I can't really say too much about it yet.

I have an 85 and I didn't really notice it being that much stiffer then the 87 Bauer XV I was replacing. It might very well be stiffer but it wasn't enough for me to notice in game. The shaft is a little thin but I like concave shafts so this wasn't an issue for me.

I used it for about 3 hours this weekend and have no complaints yet. Seems like a decent shaft.

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Im guessing the 70 feels more like a 75?

Yes, the 70 felt like my old intermediate Synergy I had, and I have the 70 flex OPS

And mack, yes, it is reeeeeally thin.

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what is the shaft shape on the intermediate dolomite? boxy like easton or countoured/rounded like ccm by any chance?

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