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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A question of Radii

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I recall seeing a thread on a shop to radius/profile your skates by mail-

I was wondering if anyone had done theres by mail and what were the results

I took my skates to a local LHS and asked for a 9ft with the center 6mm to the rear-I had this done on my old 3000's and they were awesome-

Well the hack at the LHS puts my new skates in the machine and starts ginding by hand ( in the past I have seen a radius template used) with so much pressure on the wheel that it stalled the wheel and as a result the toes of the blade are a nice light blue shade :o

So pissed was I that I told the punk to stop right there and I wanted my skates back-he gave them back and as I left the shop he was saying something to the effect "I wasnt done"........yea sure!!

Anyways If I recall the thread you can send just the steel for radiusing-or is it best to have it done with the steel on the skate to make up for any variance in the holders??

I need help as I have skates with trashed steel Im afraid-for now I will put the steel from my 3000's on them but they are well used and not much left

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PM Jimmy, I know a couple members who have had good luck with his radius work.

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"Jimmy" did my skates. I was having problems when I switched from CCM to Bauer. He suggested 10 ft radius, 5 mm "nose down" or forward, 9/16" hollow. He said it would take a couple sessions to appreciate the new radius/forward lean, but I noticed right away.

It was freakin' awesome!

Jimmy isn't his real name, but whatever.

His place is about 1 hour north of my house, and worth the drive. I saw a US map with pushpins of all his customers, it's freakin' funny, guys 3000 miles away use him as their prefered sharpener.

I'm sure he'll chime in the next few days, but I'd like to say as an EXTREMELY happy customer, he'll do a perfect job on your radius.

Also, he doesn't cross grind to get the radius, his computer system applies the right pressure appropriately as it moves longitudinally sharpening the blade. So, you don't lose as much steel in the process.


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I pulled the steel out of my skates last night and will be mailing them to No-Icing Sports today. After being referred to their website from a post here on MSH and conversing with Bob through email, I coudln't wait to try them out. Bob sent out a skater profile form and after filling it out and sending it back, he came up w/ a "custom" grinding plan for my blades based on my answers.

The customer service I've experienced from over 360 miles away and before spending a dime in the shop has been amazing. I'm looking forward to see if the quality of the work is as good as I've heard.

(and no I don't work for them)

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Is there a big difference between a custom radius done by a Cag One or say a Blademaster?

The big advantage of the CAG vs Template grinders is the radius can be cut in at the same hollow that's on the skate, and very little steel is ground away. I can reradius a skate 10 times and you will not be able to see the difference with your eyes. I use to do radius on a template grinder. They do a fine job but waste steel big time. I have two cags now, one a standard, and one with the special program chip that NHL equipment manager's have on their machines. It's very precise. I prefer to use that one, results are very nice.

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I pulled the steel out of my skates last night and will be mailing them to No-Icing Sports today. After being referred to their website from a post here on MSH and conversing with Bob through email, I coudln't wait to try them out. Bob sent out a skater profile form and after filling it out and sending it back, he came up w/ a "custom" grinding plan for my blades based on my answers.

The customer service I've experienced from over 360 miles away and before spending a dime in the shop has been amazing. I'm looking forward to see if the quality of the work is as good as I've heard.

(and no I don't work for them)

I just had mine done by no-icing and I think they did a great job.

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after going to my lhs here in raleigh, i won't mention which one unless someone wants to know, they completely butchered my skates. i knew something was gonna be up with them when i told them to sharpen them to 11/16". i had be using 5/8 the past 2 times. the guy comes out from behind the counter and says, "did you say 11/16" or 7/16 because these are sharpened to 7/16" i told him it should have been 5/8" the last time and then repeated 11/16th to him. well now when i skate the right skate feels like i'm way back on the heel and the left is a lil forward of that. not only that my edges are digging in deep and stopping almost puts me on my face. i know that is not 11/16" i'm sending my stuff to noicing asap.

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good guess HAHAHA!! they did it right every single time when i had my 92s yes you heard right ccm 92s. the instant i get my 852s the dog that walks through the store good sharpen them better. they will not get anymore of my business...ever

i could have done a better job with a cordless drill that has an almost dead battery and a 20 grit wheel on it.

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