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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Showoffs at the rink

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Here's one. Goalies who get a little overzealous during stick and puck. Have some courtesy, we're shooting on you. No need for the poke check or the statue of liberty...

I've created business from those guys. A goalie tripped me in a stick and puck once, I get up, go back to the line, tell my boy, "Watch this." Shoot the puck, shatter his stick. He gets his other one. Same spot.

Guess who was in the proshop an hour later buying two SW 5030 goal sticks?

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Woah JR can you tell me how to do that? I know teams that we play, where if I broke both of the goalies sticks he'd be screwed cause he can't play w/out a Cujo Curve. Hehe that would be the best way to get under his skin.

"Hey there buddy our goalie has an old Canadian in the locker room he'll GIVE you! How 'bout that? It doesn't have any tape on it though."

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I'm a newbie playing in a beginner league and what sucks for us is guys, and girls, who have been playing for 5, 10, 20 years and are in the upper leagues, but join the beginner league in order to boost their egos by skating circles around others who have only been skating for a few months, some of who can barely stand up on their skates.

Don't get me wrong, it's great to have experienced players out there to help teach and who stay back on the blue line and aren't constantly skating in hard on someone who can barely skate forward... I've learned a ton from those guys. It's the assholes who get their asses kicked in the intermediate leagues, so they need to jack up their low self-esteem by running over some rookies. Completely LAME!!

This kinda deserves its own thread; guys who play down in the lowest skill level league possible in order to feel like hockey gods. Self-delusion. :rolleyes:

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1) Roller players who cant stop on ice.. but look damn graceful on the ice for some reason.

2) that one player you who nudge and he drops his gloves.

3) Higher level players in beginners hockey who dont play their game down. We have beginners hockey and advanced. My fiance plays at the beginners level so I go and just pass the puck around/ make sure she has a good time.

4) Seeing noob players break their $200 XXXlite over crossbar because their 5mph shot went right into goalies glove.... then hearing them on the bench saying "oh well, I will just send it back to hockeymonkey".

5) Kids who wear the same size skates as their shoes... you know who I am talking about.. they are all over public skate. They are the ones who you look at and wonder how in the hell they are even skating because their ankles are touching the ice.. not the blades.

6) Kids who run into the boards in pub skate doing mach 10... and somehow get right up like they ran into a pile of memoryfoam... I slide into the boards slower than I can walk and shatter bones.

7) Playing dropin and having players play psudo-goalie.. you know who I am talking about.. the ones who stand between you and the goal right before you take a hard slapper.. They dont move, you hit them in the chest, knock the wind out of them and they have the nerve to get mad at you because you hit them lol.

8) Anybody who checks my fiance.... If you are pathetic enough to try and check a 130lb girl who is a beginner, then you are pathetic enough to be checked by a 250lb college d-man.. and I swear on my mother that it WILL hurt.

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-kids who get in the goal when im trying to shoot

-people who cant take a check, even when its not hard at all so they slash you in the neck

-People who are new at hockey, have all the best equipment, but cant play at all

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I hate people who are making an obvious effort to talk like 'hockey players'. I.e gongshow, gutless, plug, broads. These are usually the same people who play on the 4th line of some jr. B team and think they are some sort of gift to hockey. They usually suck.

Exactly, I hate when Jr.A,B,C guys come to shinny and even though they play a grinder role on their team they think their Kovalev, then when they miss an easy shot, they laugh and look up in the air like they can't believe it.

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Woah JR can you tell me how to do that? I know teams that we play, where if I broke both of the goalies sticks he'd be screwed cause he can't play w/out a Cujo Curve. Hehe that would be the best way to get under his skin.

"Hey there buddy our goalie has an old Canadian in the locker room he'll GIVE you! How 'bout that? It doesn't have any tape on it though."

At the joint between the paddle and the handle.

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-People who are new at hockey, have all the best equipment, but cant play at all

Why do people care if other people have the money to buy themselves good equipment ? If people suck but think they are good BECAUSE they have good equipment, that's one thing.

But I don't see why anyone should begrudge anyone else for being able to afford the best for themselves. If they don't need to count their pennies, why should they ?

Moreover, in the area of protective, there is a reasonable expectation that the best/most expensive stuff will also protect the most. A beginner also just might not know they can't take advantage of (say) top-end skates - maybe they just got bad advice from a unethical/disinterested salesperson.

I see new drivers driving brand new, expensive cars all the time and I don't think they're idiots for it. I just think they're lucky.

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i agree with and am guilty of taking a too long of a shift. hte last time i played drop in at nite i had 5 consective shifts without touching the puck. so i left and complained to the rink mgr and got my money back. drop in is for everyone to enjoy and have fun not win some "cup" you are never going to play for.

had one guy who always came to games drunk. first nudge, trip or other accidental contact the gloves went flying. needless to say he last only about 3 games before getting kicked out of the league.

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Speaking of expensive cars, I went to the post office today in Novi. Parked right next to a brand new Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder...I was like "Damn...nice whip...probably some old ass rich dude owns it..." I get out of my car and I start to walk into the post office and I spot a guy standing outside on his cellphone...Nick Lidstrom. LOL

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Speaking of expensive cars, I went to the post office today in Novi. Parked right next to a brand new Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder...I was like "Damn...nice whip...probably some old ass rich dude owns it..." I get out of my car and I start to walk into the post office and I spot a guy standing outside on his cellphone...Nick Lidstrom. LOL

Haha that's awesome JR.

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I guess I can be guilty of one of these sins:

When I started playing again after 10 years off ice I signed up for the Rec Beer league-My reasoning was I wanted to get my wind and legs back under me-We had all varying degrees of skill-anklebenders to guys like me,former high school and college that took a few years off..................We were considerate of those we played and competed with and you know what? We had more FUN in that league with some of the silly crap that went down than any other time. The team I was on shared more comeraderie and teamspirit than any competetive team I ever played on.

Playing goal in that league was a kick-it was like watching thirtysomething Mighty Mites!!!


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That's really cool JR. Have nay stories about him if you met him before or anything?

Seen him at the rink a few times. He came into the store once looking for his kids. I've met Holmstrom though, he's bought from me.

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1) Roller players who cant stop on ice.. but look damn graceful on the ice for some reason.

hahah! We got a guy on our team who recentley made the transition from roller to ice........ He cant stop but still looks graceful! Its annoying eah! <_< I think its there hands to be honest....... most the roller hockey players i have seen that come and play ice now and again have good/soft hands....... Kinda makes eveything else look good too.

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People getting pissed at a lesser skilled player for missing a pass or loosing the puck, and not passing to him anymore after, even if it's the only way he'll learn and get better.

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People getting pissed at a lesser skilled player for missing a pass or loosing the puck, and not passing to him anymore after, even if it's the only way he'll learn and get better.

I hate that too....cause I'm the "lesser player" in most scenerios...Then...when you finally get the chance to lead a rush...and THAT GUY is with you 2 on 1...they expect Nay, DEMAND the pass from you...go figure.

The other thing I hate is the 45+ D-man (who plays D becasue he can't skate well enough anymore to be a forward) who wants to rush and pinch in...and gives me shit for not covering his position. Every pass I make is wrong...I'm never in the right postion, but will he pass it to me when I'm all alone in front...NO. when (and if) he does, if I didn't get it...it's not HIS fault...even though the pass sucked.

And, then the guy plays dirty, shitty hockey...real cheap shot artist, but bitches and moans when someone give him a little shove along the boards.

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:huh: What really killed me the few times I played roller hockey- I am a defensive defenceman-the other team thinks they can pitch a tent in front of my goalie so I tie up his stick, get in front of him or generally make his life difficult. Clean mind you-no hacking or getting chippy, just clean solid D in front of the net. Everyone of these clowns starts swinging sticks, cross checking and wanting to box!! WTF? Keep in mind virtually none of these guys ever played on ice.I ask my teammates if I'm playing it wrong or something and they say no-there just not used to defence in front of the net!

So I decide to be a little less of a pain in front of my net and guess what? The ding a lings still want to box, well I'm only gonna take so much. I started to come in behind them and just set my stick between their legs-puck comes their way I just lift the stick about knee high and stand there. All fall down!! The boxing was on.It was pretty funny they didnt know what to do when somebody really squared off with them and got em by the jersey

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I play in a "beer league" once a week for fun in addition to my "competitive" leagues. What I "hate" is not knowing how physical to play with the lesser skilled guys. I don't mean, "should I take his head off or not". But lets say you and another guy (novice) are crossing behind the net, he panics becaue he senses a collision and runs right into your path. Do you A, play the body to protect yourself knowing that you will flatten him, or B, try to take the hit so you don't hurt the poor guy. After all, it is just pickup and this guy obviously is just learning. You don't want to be a jerk. But then again...I don't want to blow out a knee or something.

This happened to me two nights ago. I was rushing the board down the boards and I was about to fly by a pylon cone. I saw him there...he had his head down and I could almost see the collision happening before it even happened. Sure enough, at the last minute he steps right in my path to make a poke check. Standing flat footed, head down. In a game I would have blasted him. Checking league or not. But...this was just pick up. I tried to make a quick move to side step him but I was already turning and running out of real estate real quick. I didn't want to set myself up for a nasty (un-intentional) hip check either.

Oh well. Life goes on.

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Well did my speech, think a lotta people understood what I was talking about even if they arn't in to hockey..tried to relate it to some bball games on campus, etc.

Anyways, Dante you little story there reminds me of a game in our adult league. Our guy had the puck..some loser tried to poke check the puck away but our player just kept going and steamrolled him. Funny thing is our guy got the charging penalty---nvr seen a charging called against the puck carrier, lol

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I play in a "beer league" once a week for fun in addition to my "competitive" leagues. What I "hate" is not knowing how physical to play with the lesser skilled guys. I don't mean, "should I take his head off or not". But lets say you and another guy (novice) are crossing behind the net, he panics becaue he senses a collision and runs right into your path. Do you A, play the body to protect yourself knowing that you will flatten him, or B, try to take the hit so you don't hurt the poor guy. After all, it is just pickup and this guy obviously is just learning. You don't want to be a jerk. But then again...I don't want to blow out a knee or something.

I skate in a session every week with a couple of guys who are just learning but think they are good. This is very dangerous for everyone else because most guys who are just learning pick their spots and try not to get into the play as much since they can't skate that well. These guys go after everyone and everything even though they can barley skate and don't know the game. In a normal game they would get laid out but as you said, it's just pick up so I try to avoid them as best I can. If we do come together, they get the brunt of it because I try to protect myself from injury before worrying about them.

I laid one of these guys out on the ice for about 5 minutes once. I was coming around the net with the puck for a wrap around and he was trying to crash the net and didn't have his head up. I put the puck in and he was still coming at me full speed and couldn't stop. I didn't have shoulder pads on so I stepped into him to keep from getting creamed. He went flying back and I think caught his head on the ice. I didn't mean to do it but I had no choice unless I wanted to get hurt.

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just recently moved to a new country, and was pretty excited when I found that they had a group here that was about the same standard that I was accustomed to, they had novices and expereinced guys as well... however, I was disappointed last night with the way everything went... maybe its just me, but i guess I'm used to 'pitching a tent' in front of goal (borrowed the term from you hockeysew) and deflecting shots, getting rebounds, getting pounded from behind and the like...but the guys here dont shoot from far, and tend to dribble the puck a lot more. The only way I will get the puck is when I strip it off the other team, and dribble it up myseld...

sometimes, i just get frustrated waiting for the shot... guess its a different way they play over here....

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however, I was disappointed last night with the way everything went... maybe its just me, but i guess I'm used to 'pitching a tent' in front of goal (borrowed the term from you hockeysew) and deflecting shots, getting rebounds, getting pounded from behind and the like...but the guys here dont shoot from far, and tend to dribble the puck a lot more.

sometimes, i just get frustrated waiting for the shot... guess its a different way they play over here....

In my experience it depends on what kind of game you are playing. Usually in shinny or pickup games, guys play differently than they would play if they were playing their league games. There is less physical play and guys don't do things like blast slapshots from just inside the blue line, put the puck on net hoping for a rebound or deflection, or bang around much in front of the net. Around here, shinny is mostly for things you might not try in a game, making cute plays, passing when you might normally shoot, and a lot of trying to deke other players out.

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A similar situation just happened to me in open hockey last weekend...although neither of us would be considered novices. The puck carrier was coming around the net, doing his best dancing/stickhandling moves that he could have dreamt up and practiced in his mind, while being chased by a guy on my team. I came around the net the opposite way and attempted to step to the net and let them go past, hoping to poke check the puck. Once I realized the puck carrier and myself had the same thoughts, I lowered my shoulder and got ready for the hit (w/o shoulder pads on of course). A split second later I was laying on top of two fully padded high school players who were whining in pain and couldn't breathe. They looked at me like i was the dick for hitting them, even though I had every intention of getting out of their way. Had he had his head up rather than trying a fancy off the bottom of the net pass to himself there would be no issue...but all of a sudden I'm a bad guy.

What can ya do? :blink:

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