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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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To have kids or to not have kids...

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The day my son was born was the 2nd best day of my life. So far, he is the 2nd best thing in my life. But, he's only 11 and hasn't rebelled yet... so in a few years I might be saying that he's the worst thing that ever happened to me...

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Absolutely I would do it again. My children have helped me realize the importance of laying down on the grass and staring up at the clouds.

We lead such busy lives that we forget to appreciate the small simple things. Plus you get to say "that's my son out there!"

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Kevin - what's the best thing (in your life)?

Best day, and best thing: getting married to my wife. Only been married once, almost 14 years now. Knock on wood.

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I didn't want kids for a long time. Now my little guy is two, and he's been so much fun already. I could maybe handle one more kid, but not any more, I think! I'll run out of arms!

Be prepared to drastically change your lifestyle if you do have kids. It requires a lot of time and energy - and consistency! You do have to give up some things for the good of the family, but in the end it is gratifying to see the little one grow up.

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Absolutely!!!! I have two boys and they are the greatest. The only thing I would do differently is not wait so long to have had the second one. My oldest is 9 and my youngest is almost 16 months. I forgot how much fun it was to watch a toddler learn, and he is a PISTOL to boot!! I think that the second one was easier, you know what your limits are, and what to expect from them. I am having the time of my life right now.

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There is nothing like it, and I would definitely do it over again (and probably will in a year or two). I love my daughter even more than my hockey equipment.

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:P Ive got 2 boys-18 and 14 and they along with my wife have been the greatest things that I have accomplished in my life. Been married 23 years which these days is a raritey-I got really lucky and married my best friend.

Kids cause you to sacrifice your own needs for them-So maybe if you are a Me-Me person maybe kids arent for you.

The great things about being a parent:

Sharing your interest's with them and vice versa

Unconditional love

Being their role model & Idol (No greater feeling)

Teaching them to be good people and vice versa-I've learned as much from my kids as I have taught them

Sharing those rare priceless moments-first fish caught-first goal scored-suprising them with a trip to Disneyland-first broken heart over THE girl-BS'ing around a campfire, etc.

The bummer things about being a parent:

Realizing that one of your kids is just like you at that age!

Seeing them get hurt and having to deal with the trip to the doctor for stitches etc.

Homework battles.

Different views between the Mrs. and I when dealing with kid issues.

Realizing how old you are getting!

If you "wait until we are ready for children" guess what? You will never have kids because nobody is ever ready for kids! ;)

Having kids did more to pull my head out of my ass than anything else.

They caused me to grow up and deal with responsibilities.

A very defining point in my life.

Alot of hard work, but very rewarding. Watch the movie "Parenthood" with Steve Martin-The roller coaster analogy is right on.

B) They will make you realize why animals eat their young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I don't think you are going to find one person who would say "No". Being a parent is not something that you can prepare for. You either want to be a Father/Mother, or you don't.

Your life will go from focusing on accumulating "things", to being all about a little person that relies on you for everything. It is easily the most rewarding experience of my life.

It is never harder to keep a straight face than when you are trying to disipline your child. Everything they do makes you want to laugh.

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"It is never harder to keep a straight face than when you are trying to disipline your child. Everything they do makes you want to laugh."

Good grief the truth to that statement-especially when it is something really silly or boneheaded

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So, the question to analog999 is:

Is it her idea or yours (to have a kid)?

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My wife wants kids, I don't know. There are times I think it would be fun, there are times I really like my independence and freedom. I'm hitting 30 in August. My wife thinks I never want to grow up and I fear that she's right.

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Yes, that was/is the plan if we ever have kids we want to make sure we have enough to be able to be involved and have a steady income. Right now we work for ourselves and we've been able to do it for four years, but it can be spotty at times.

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:P Ive got 2 boys-18 and 14 and they along with my wife have been the greatest things that I have accomplished in my life. Been married 23 years which these days is a raritey-I got really lucky and married my best friend.

Kids cause you to sacrifice your own needs for them-So maybe if you are a Me-Me person maybe kids arent for you.

The great things about being a parent:

Sharing your interest's with them and vice versa

Unconditional love

Being their role model & Idol (No greater feeling)

Teaching them to be good people and vice versa-I've learned as much from my kids as I have taught them

Sharing those rare priceless moments-first fish caught-first goal scored-suprising them with a trip to Disneyland-first broken heart over THE girl-BS'ing around a campfire, etc.

The bummer things about being a parent:

Realizing that one of your kids is just like you at that age!

Seeing them get hurt and having to deal with the trip to the doctor for stitches etc.

Homework battles.

Different views between the Mrs. and I when dealing with kid issues.

Realizing how old you are getting!

If you "wait until we are ready for children" guess what? You will never have kids because nobody is ever ready for kids! ;)

Having kids did more to pull my head out of my ass than anything else.

They caused me to grow up and deal with responsibilities.

A very defining point in my life.

Alot of hard work, but very rewarding. Watch the movie "Parenthood" with Steve Martin-The roller coaster analogy is right on.

B) They will make you realize why animals eat their young!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow, that just about sums it up.

My two boys are only 6 and 8, but Number 3 is on the way. Wouldn't go back for anything!

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Wow. :o I don't know dude, if you have to go to an online message board and ask if you should have kids the answer is probably a big fat NO.

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i was thinking about, what would you do if you were a parent and you daughter was a whore, like i mean she did 10 dudes before she was 17? any thoughts?

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i was thinking about, what would you do if you were a parent and you daughter was a whore, like i mean she did 10 dudes before she was 17? any thoughts?

id shave her head and change her name to garth

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i was thinking about, what would you do if you were a parent and you daughter was a whore, like i mean she did 10 dudes before she was 17? any thoughts?

Bad parenting?

Its hard to think about it. Im 19 and I have a three year old brother. Ive taken care of him and whatnot, so I can somewhat have a feeling of it.(I know its not the real deal, relax) But with all thats going on these days its hard for me to think of bringing a child in this world. But hey we all have different views on it. I personally love kids, ive always had a natural connection with them(not like Michael Jackson) but im sure when the time comes ill pull a Mel Gibson making my wife pop out kids. Then again, only time will tell.

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Too much thinking :lol:

I'm 18, sex is for fun not baby making. I'm sticking to that for a while :P

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Sorry dude, but you're relying on a causal hockey internet forum to decide if you want kids or not? As much as I respect my fellow Mod posters, this is a huge decision and one you have to make on your own. If you have doubts better to side on the error of caution.

If you're ready, make sure you're ready to commit about 20 years of your life with some one else bring the number one priority. Especially in the first decade as those are the years you'll influence what your child sees as right and rwrong for the rest of their life.

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